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Wilson Velez05:05:06

I’m trying to run the next test from cursive using the context menu REPL-> Run ‘init-test’ in REPL

(ns cljs-wew.core-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer-macros [deftest is]]))

(deftest init-test
  (is (= 1 1)))
but I’m getting this message


Unfortunately, the Cursive test integration currently only works with Clojure, not CLJS.

Wilson Velez14:05:06

@U0567Q30W, oh, I see, is this something you are planning to add in the near future?


Well, in the future yes, no promises about when though.

Rachel Westmacott15:03:50

Any idea when this might be addressed (cljs test integration)? Or any workarounds? It seems we can call the tests as functions in the REPL (which is nice) but obviously without the integration it's harder to grok the differences.


I don’t have an ETA on that, sorry. CLJS REPLs are much more complicated than CLJS ones. However, one thing that might help a bit is that you can now invoke the Cursive differ from the REPL. So it would be manual in the case of a test failure, but it might help:

Wilson Velez05:05:06

------ REPL Error while processing ---------------------------------------------
(clojure.core/with-redefs [clojure.test/do-report (clojure.core/fn [report__14957__auto__] (clojure.core/let [trace-info__14958__auto__ (clojure.core/fn [s__14959__auto__] {:file (.getFileName s__14959__auto__), :line (.getLineNumber s__14959__auto__), :class (.getClassName s__14959__auto__)}) file-info__14960__auto__ (clojure.core/fn [exception__14961__auto__ depth__14962__auto__] (trace-info__14958__auto__ (clojure.core/nth (.getStackTrace exception__14961__auto__) depth__14962__auto__))) test-file-info__14963__auto__ (clojure.core/fn [exception__14961__auto__] (trace-info__14958__auto__ (clojure.core/last (clojure.core/take-while (fn* [p1__14956__14964__auto__] (clojure.core/not (.startsWith (.getClassName p1__14956__14964__auto__) "clojure.test$"))) (.getStackTrace exception__14961__auto__))))) report__14957__auto__ (clojure.core/if-let [ns__14965__auto__ (:ns report__14957__auto__)] (clojure.core/assoc report__14957__auto__ :ns (clojure.core/ns-name ns__14965__auto__)) report__14957__auto__) report__14957__auto__ (clojure.core/case (:type report__14957__auto__) :pass (clojure.core/merge (file-info__14960__auto__ (java.lang.Throwable.) 1) report__14957__auto__) :fail (clojure.core/merge (file-info__14960__auto__ (java.lang.Throwable.) 1) report__14957__auto__) :error (clojure.core/merge (test-file-info__14963__auto__ (:actual report__14957__auto__)) report__14957__auto__) report__14957__auto__) report__14957__auto__ (clojure.core/if-let [var__14966__auto__ (:var report__14957__auto__)] (clojure.core/assoc (clojure.core/dissoc report__14957__auto__ :var) :ns (clojure.core/ns-name (:ns (clojure.core/meta var__14966__auto__))) :name (:name (clojure.core/meta var__14966__auto__)) :file (:file (clojure.core/meta var__14966__auto__)) :line (:line (clojure.core/meta var__14966__auto__)) :column (:column (clojure.core/meta var__14966__auto__))) report__14957__auto__) report__14957__auto__ (if (clojure.core/= :pass (:type report__14957__auto__)) (clojure.core/dissoc report__14957__auto__ :actual) report__14957__auto__) report__14957__auto__ (if (clojure.core/contains? report__14957__auto__ :actual) (clojure.core/let [actual__14967__auto__ (:actual report__14957__auto__) val__14968__auto__ (clojure.core/cond (clojure.core/class? actual__14967__auto__) (.getName actual__14967__auto__) (clojure.core/instance? java.lang.Throwable actual__14967__auto__) (do (clojure.core/require (quote clojure.stacktrace) (quote clojure.string)) (clojure.core/cond (clojure.core/find-ns (quote io.aviso.exception)) ((clojure.core/find-var (quote io.aviso.exception/write-exception)) actual__14967__auto__) (clojure.core/find-ns (quote clj-stacktrace.repl)) ((clojure.core/find-var (quote clj-stacktrace.repl/pst)) actual__14967__auto__) :else ((clojure.core/find-var (quote clojure.stacktrace/print-stack-trace)) actual__14967__auto__)) (clojure.core/-> (clojure.core/with-out-str (clojure.stacktrace/print-stack-trace (clojure.stacktrace/root-cause actual__14967__auto__) 5)) (clojure.string/replace "\n at " "\n") (clojure.string/replace "\n    " "\n"))) :else (clojure.core/pr-str actual__14967__auto__))] (clojure.core/assoc report__14957__auto__ :actual val__14968__auto__)) report__14957__auto__) report__14957__auto__ (if (clojure.core/contains? report__14957__auto__ :expected) (clojure.core/let [expected__14969__auto__ (:expected report__14957__auto__)] (clojure.core/assoc report__14957__auto__ :expected (clojure.core/pr-str expected__14969__auto__))) report__14957__auto__)] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/and (clojure.core/= :fail (:type report__14957__auto__)) (clojure.core/contains? report__14957__auto__ :diffs) (clojure.core/find-ns (quote pjstadig.humane-test-output)) (clojure.core/not (java.lang.System/getenv "INHUMANE_TEST_OUTPUT")) (clojure.core/not (clojure.core/find-var (quote pjstadig.humane-test-output/cursive-warning)))) (clojure.core/binding [clojure.core/*out* clojure.core/*err*] (clojure.core/println "\nWARNING: pjstadig/humane-test-output appears to be active.") (clojure.core/println "This library interferes with Cursive's test functionality, in particular test result") (clojure.core/println "diffs. To fix this you can either disable it entirely, or set the INHUMANE_TEST_OUTPUT") (clojure.core/println "environment variable either in your lein/boot project or in your run configuration.\n") (clojure.core/intern (quote pjstadig.humane-test-output) (quote cursive-warning) true))) (clojure.test/with-test-out (clojure.core/print "@#Cursive#TestSupport#@" (clojure.core/pr-str report__14957__auto__)) (.flush clojure.test/*test-out*) (clojure.core/if-let [type__14970__auto__ (:type report__14957__auto__)] (clojure.test/inc-report-counter type__14970__auto__)))))] (clojure.test/run-tests (quote cljs-wew.core-test)))
Error in phase :compilation
Calls to `require` must appear at the top-level. at line 1 cljs_wew/core.cljs

Wilson Velez05:05:06

My project is a re-frame application, I’m using shadow-cljs to start my app and I’m using an nREPL from cursive to connect to it. I defined the environmental variable INHUMANE_TEST_OUTPUT that appears in the trace but it didn’t work. Is my setup the root of the problem or what I can do?


@wvelezva that looks like cursive is sending CLJ code into the CLJS session. not sure why it would do that. which shadow-cljs version do you use? there were a couple versions where the session managed was messed up and broke the REPL.


That code probably doesn't have the CLJ/CLJS check, it should. Eval does, but I guess the test eval doesn't. That code probably predates the REPL knowing the difference.

Wilson Velez14:05:04

@U05224H0W I’m using shadow-cljs 2.9.10

Wilson Velez14:05:33

@U0567Q30W what do you mean by CLJ/CLJS check?


Cursive will check when sending forms that you're sending them to a REPL of the right type. Otherwise you get a message like this:


But it looks like I don't have that check for the test integration - I'll add that.

Rachel Westmacott15:03:50

Any idea when this might be addressed (cljs test integration)? Or any workarounds? It seems we can call the tests as functions in the REPL (which is nice) but obviously without the integration it's harder to grok the differences.