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@ssanders Yes, you can do this. I don’t have much documentation for this yet, but I spoke a couple of years ago about the debugger, and I demo exactly what you’re asking about:
@U0567Q30W thanks for this. I actually watched this video (most of it) a few weeks ago and have been loving the use of the debugger in cursive. My particular use case though, hasn't been seeming to work.. if I set up a super simple ring web server and place a linebreak in the editor, then use a curl to hit the server, I can see the response in the terminal where I issued the curl command, but I don't see the linebreaks stopping the code execution. Think I may be missing something super obvious but can't put my finger on it
Do you see the breakpoint being active in the gutter? If IntelliJ can’t find the corresponding bytecode to the line, it’ll be like a grey crossed out circle.
One thing to try is setting the breakpoint, then starting your app and then re-loading the file containing the breakpoint.
That will cause Clojure to re-compile the file exactly matching what’s in your editor.
It's weird. The second I send the file to the repl I see a red message in the repl window and then the line break goes away.
Loading src/clj_ring/core.clj... 2019-10-31 22:00:13.209:INFO::nRepl-session-99305752-ae04-43f3-bf11-5b9398ba6c43: Logging initialized @17709ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog
Debugging can be very strange, and I can’t always explain what I see either, but that sounds stranger than usual.
I'm actually just trying it with a simple hello world -
(ns clj_ring.core
(:use ring.adapter.jetty))
(defn handler [request]
{:status 200}
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body "Hello World")
(run-jetty handler {:port 8080})
And then putting the breakpoint on the let
line. I’m actually not sure what executable bytecode Clojure generates when just returning a constant map like that.
IIRC constant maps are generated just as constants in the class pool, and the code to return that may not be generated with line info.
Would you mind uploading your hello world project to GH or somewhere so I can try it out?
I made a few changes, I put your run-jetty in a comment block like this:
(jetty/run-jetty handler {:port 3000 :join? false}))
That then means that it won’t run Jetty and block until it finishes when you load the file.
So you can then reload the file, and just use “Run top form” to start the Jetty server. It won’t block when you execute that because of the :join? false
so you can then continue to use the REPL.
So when Clojure compiles, it can’t use -
in package names because Java. So it maps them to _
. But that’s a lossy transformation, so Cursive (and a lot of other tooling) assumes that when it sees a compiled class with an underscore in the name, that it comes from a namespace/function with a dash in the original name.
You can just change the name in the ns form, and then everything works. The name of the directory on the filesystem should remain the same (with _
no no, that's something I should have seen, I'm just extreme noob. But I've just changed that and still seeing the line break getting greyed out, is that not happening for you?
There’s still something weird going on, though. It now makes my breakpoint into a circle with a tick, which means that it’s found the bytecode corresponding to the line information. But when I hit the server it doesn’t stop.
Ok, here’s what’s going on. When the server is started, it must be getting the actual function instance of the handler function rather than the var, and caches that. So then when I re-load the namespace, that function object is not updated.
And yes, I think I should have been more descriptive, I think that's the same circle logo I'm seeing - with a tick
I thought that by passing the var (`#'handler`) to run-jetty
that it would then re-load since it will then look up the function every time it’s invoked.
Here’s what works for me. Make sure you pass the var itself to run-jetty
like this:
(def server (jetty/run-jetty #'handler {:port 3000 :join? false})))
That will cause the function stored in the handler var to be looked up each time it’s called, which will allow you to re-load the code without restarting the server.
Then, if I make my handler look like this:
(defn handler [request]
(println "Hello")
(let [result {:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body "Hello World"}]
I guess the code generated for the let
returning a constant map doesn’t generate any line numbers in the bytecode or something.
but yeah this works for me, I can totally use it in my project. Just need a way to step in.
No problem! That was a combination of weird things. Once you have some actual code in your handler, everything should hopefully work.
it's really great for learning about clojure internals too! it's a gem of the clojure tooling world, imho.
I have a maybe slighty annoying request. Whenever you paste text that has some html tags, Cursive shows a popup asking to convert it to Hiccup. This seemed like a nice unexpected feature, but I paste HTML multiple times a day, but don’t use hiccup at all, so I have to click away the alert every time. It would be nice to have the option to not show it again or something…
I'm guessing, that is a so called Intention which you can disable in preferences, although when I search for hiccup in preferences, nothing turns up 😕
@U05469DKJ Would you prefer the ability to convert to something other than hiccup? Why are you pasting HTML into Clojure code?
We are storing user created content, which is rich formatted text. This is stored as simple HTML (just some <p>,<b>,<i>,etc tags). I often copy and paste an example input in the REPL.
I don’t need to convert it. An option to disable it would be great
instead of converting html into hiccup automatically (and having an option to enable/disable it), it would be great if cursive offered a context menu item such as "Paste HTML as Hiccup", something like this:
I could do that, but I think it would affect the discoverability. I could perhaps have both, where the explicit “Paste as Hiccup” option wouldn’t prompt, and the prompt for the standard paste could have a “Don’t ask me this again” option.
is there a way to interrupt the repl from displaying the last form I pressed 'Interrupt Current Evaluation` button and now I'm waiting for e n o r m o u s form to be written to the repl a 'don't bother writing the rest of tthis to the repl` button would be extremely helpful
(I'm going to kill that repl java process now)
maybe I should just auto-set*print-length*
How do I get cursive to start understanding some of these symbols?
oh the pom file from running shadow-cljs pom
and then the mavern plugin has helped somewhat
oh and I think from the sounds of it I need a fake project.clj for cursive to understand what a phaser is?