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Jon Walch18:09:22

Anyone seen Error: Could not find or load main class clojure.main when trying to start a local nrepl running with Intellij project classpath? Also seeing Run Configuration Error: No modules containing clojure.main found when trying to create the configuration


@jonathan.walch That usually means that you don’t have Clojure attached to your project correctly. How did you create the project?

Jon Walch20:09:06

I used intellij/cursive and selected deps

Jon Walch20:09:10

this fixed it for me

Jon Walch20:09:20

Hi, I'm trying to create a deps.edn project and got the error 'Cannot execute: Clojure command not configured'. I installed Clojure using brew on mac and the clojure command is in my PATH. Is there another PATH I have to set up in IntelliJ?

Nevermind, I went to the 'Clojure Deps' settings, made a change to use 'toolds.deps' and then back to 'CLI' tools and I didn't get the error anymore.


Ah, yes - sometimes the first time Cursive needs to know the location of the clojure command. I need the fix the case where it can be defaulted sensibly.

👍 4