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Don’t know if this was always there, but I just noticed that in let binding or keyval pairs in maps, “move from down” or “up” is smart about moving pairs together (if cursor is at very front of first symbol)! Nice attention to detail, much appreciated @cfleming


@sooheon Right, glad you like it! It works for maps etc too.


I didn’t reply to your previous message, sorry - I’m not sure what could be causing that, “Resolve as…” definitely works (or should do) for symbols from external libs. When you navigate to the symbol, does that work correctly?


I guess is the same issue we were debugging before, library been listed twice and then not allowing custom resolution override


@cfleming can I set *print-namespace-maps* to false in idea64.vmoptions to avoid namespaced maps on repl?


I will try -Dclojure.core._STAR_print_namespace_maps_STAR_=false

😭 4

@souenzzo No, I’ll try to get a better solution to that in the next build.

👍 4

Is there a way to set a default *print-length* as part of a REPL config?


@sooheon When you found that “Resolve as…” wasn’t working in external libs, which symbol does that not work for?


It was macros defined in fulcro. Normally you’d see “Resolve ns/symbol as…“, but I was just seeing “Resolve /symbol as…“. Actually, I did a total reinstall of IDEA, and this has solved it for the most part. If I can get a repro case again, I will file an issue. Now the only slightly wonky thing is these action, remote symbols that the defmutation macro takes. Cursive asks to resolve /remote, and does some indexing, but won’t change indentation to be like defn, if I ask it to.


i.e. which symbol are you trying to customise the resolution of?


Would there be any way to specify how a non-standard reader conditional is interpreted? eg. I am using :node to differentiate between browser / node.js code, #?(:cljs "hello browser", :node "hello server") and ideally its code would be resolved the same as :cljs