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how do I get rid of one of the 2 in tooltips? adds an extra step to "I wanna see the signature" (`cmd` + hover over sym)


(I have no idea where the second one comes from (and which is the second one out of these 2))


ok, it is: cmd+`;`, dependencies, – Clojure-1.9.0, apply wherever it came from.


@cfleming A non-urgent recommendation: for months, I was going to ask in Slack, “how do I interrupt a REPL in cursive, like when I’m in infinite loop?” Yesterday, I was surprised when I was re-reading “Getting Started” documentation which referenced it. And holy cow, it worked — I hadn’t seen it because I always thought the button was greyed out. Recommendation: add a little color to that button to signal that it’s an active button. Thanks as always!


Hah Gene, you are talking to someone who is color blind


That sure looks like a "disabled" button to me, tho. Needs much more contrast if it's supposed to look active/clickable.


disabled vs enabled


can anyone help a new intellij user? I've installed emacs+ patched (thanks for supporting that Colin!) and I dont' know how to enable the keybinds. It doesn't seem to be enabled by default


I wrote a lil' blog post, maybe what you are looking for is the one at the end?


Looks like the enabled/disabled button issue might be a light theme vs dark theme issue.