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Drew Verlee02:02:55

did something new roll out? i’m guessing i get updates automatically right?


you will not automatically get it yet


ok, I found it


@cfleming: tried out the incorrect-indentation markings by loading up the clojurescript compiler repo


three bits of feedback: - I like the annotation when hovering over the red marks - difficult to go to the next incorrect indentation to fix - I expected to be able to click the “parinfer cannot run based on incorrect indentation” status message at bottom right to show the invalid location - speed is bad on a 11k file


F2 should jump to the next indentation marker - that’s the standard IntelliJ “Go to next problem”


I’ll check the speed and see if I can improve that.


Re: Clicking on the status message - I don’t think IntelliJ users would expect to be able to do that (you can’t on most hints). I’ll think about a way to allow jumping to the problem - perhaps just a reminder that F2 will do it.


definitely do what’s idiomatic to the editor