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regarding the first question, CTRL-B
works just like with any var
(`Navigate -> Declaration` just in case you have it remapped)
Key words aren’t really declared, they just evaluate to themselves.
That seems odd to me — how can you navigate to the declaration of something that doesn’t have a declaration? But if it works, it works, eh? Only it doesn’t work in my (non-re-frame) code. I can select a keyword, and select Navigate -> Declaration from the menu, and nothing happens. Find Usages works, but not Navigate -> Declaration. Maybe it’s re-frame specific?
works also on non-re-frame code, maybe @cfleming can enlighten us on this
regarding the "how can it be", I think it simply navigates to the first appearance of the given qualified keyword in the target namespace
Yeah, I’m probably obsessing over semantics. Then again, I freak out about when you click on “All Unreads” in Slack, and it says, “All caught up, the world is your oyster” 🐙 and I’m yelling “That’s a picture of an octopus, not an oyster!”