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@liamd Yes, there are two ways, depending whether you want to run it within the IDE or in a terminal.


If you want to run it in the IDE, then you should be able to create a lein run config, turn on trampoline and just debug it.


If you want to run it in a terminal, it’s a little more complicated. First, create a remote debug Run Config (called “Remote” - this is not the remote REPL option). Copy the “Command line arguments for running remote JVM”, and then put those in your Leiningen project.clj (under :jvm-args IIRC, but I’m not 100%). You might want to change suspend=y in the arguments, this will cause the JVM to pause at startup until the debugger connects.


Then you can run your app as normal on the command line, the JVM will start in debug mode and you’ll be able to run your Remote config to connect to it.


is there a way to tell the Cursive Remote nREPL to evaluate some expressions on connection? i want to run this (set! *print-namespace-maps* false), but since it's a dynamic var, every REPL connection has its own copy... i tried this in my build.boot but no effect:

(repl :server true    :eval '(set! *print-namespace-maps* false))


@onetom Note that that will not do what you want - see here for discussion:


The TLDR is that Cursive pretty-prints on the client side, and it’s not currently configurable.


When I get a moment I’m going to think about whether that’s just a terrible idea or not.


and there is no way to control that client side, right?


Not at the moment, no, sorry


can i configure which clojure version is that client side using?


because i would to try it with alpha14, which might already pretty-print correctly


Is there an easy way to get Cursive to run all tests in all test namespaces? I find that cycling through the namespaces one at a time is a problem (likely to miss one) but having to do it at the command line is a problem (load times and all that).


@hlship No, but I’m planning to add this soon.


@onetom No, but I’ll fix that issue for the next release.


Cursive uses fipp, which is independent of the Clojure version.