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Pablo Fernandez16:09:17

Is there a way to get test errors in the repl, not just the report at the end?


@pupeno you mean compiler errors? or something your own code prints?


ah, ok, I understand, test errors printed by cljs.test macros, right?

Pablo Fernandez16:09:01

I mean the error generated by the is function.


hm, it is using normal println by default, so it should work, and you don’t see them at all or they all get printed at once at the end with report summary?


how are you connected to REPL? using a script or via nREPL


I’m just playing with some nREPL stuff for Dirac, so I thought I could give at least some help in case of nREPL

Pablo Fernandez16:09:13

I have it configured as run nrepl with leiningen

Pablo Fernandez16:09:33

I see the end report summary of how many errors and failures there were

Pablo Fernandez16:09:41

And I can also see things I print.

Pablo Fernandez16:09:56

But not the error reports from the test macros.

Pablo Fernandez16:09:30

The test functions do get marked as failed and the failed badge has that output, but a 50 line tool tip is hard to read.

Pablo Fernandez16:09:08

BTW, I just con be two devs to Cursive at work (Credit Suisse) and we are thinking of standardizing in Cursive for pair programming.


can you run lein repl from command-line and run your tests there?

Pablo Fernandez16:09:21

Does run test in the repl still work?


well, how cursive does it?


I assumed it runs that lein command, connects to nrepl and then runs all tests using cljs.test

Pablo Fernandez16:09:11

I thought it was nrepl magic.


if it does its own magic there, then I can understand that something might not work 🙂

Pablo Fernandez16:09:15

I think it's not a bug, it's a feature.


anyways, if your own println works, you can define your own cljs.test :reporter and implement your own printing to work around this issue I guess

Pablo Fernandez16:09:32

I think that output is hidden on purpose.


I assume cursive defined its own reporting functions and intercepting them

Pablo Fernandez16:09:05

And having badges next to each assertion telling you which one passed and which one failed is great.


yeah, now I looked at cursive docs, the test support looks good 🙂

Pablo Fernandez16:09:31

Yeah... In those screenshot you can see the lack of error output.


and it is for clojure only I assume, I was automatically thinking about cljs, so forget what I wrote 😉


@pupeno There isn’t right now, no, although a couple of people have asked for it.


Most people don’t want it cluttering up their REPL if they’re using the GUI functionality


BTW instead of using the tooltip, you can click on the error icon and get a visual diff.


Cursive basically uses clojure.test functionality, but it hooks the test reporting to get the information it needs for the icons etc.

Pablo Fernandez16:09:37

In my team some people would like to get the output anyway

Pablo Fernandez16:09:18

Something that I think can help a lot would be for the window with the diff, which I think is great, to be a proper top level window.

Pablo Fernandez16:09:39

In Windows it cannot be maximized


@pupeno I think you can always re-hook the test reporting and do whatever you want there, e.g call cursive and then print your own thing


@pupeno I'm sure you know this, but if you want to just run the test in the repl and get the output sans cursive you can do (clojure.test/run-tests your-test-ns.t-test)

Pablo Fernandez18:09:03

bfabry not using the keymap is too high of a price to pay though.


fair enough