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Pablo Fernandez11:10:30

How do I manually specify the Clojure version when cursive fails to recognize it?


@pupeno: Isn’t that by defining it in your project.clj like :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0”]] ?

Pablo Fernandez13:10:46

meikemertsch: sometimes you don’t want to do that and there’s another way of causing Cursive to figure it out.


simple_smile I’m looking forward to be enlightened simple_smile


simple_smile I updated to the latest Cursive version and was expecting trouble after seeing the discussion from three days ago, but it went flawless simple_smile


@pupeno: If you’re using Leiningen, Cursive will always use the version specified by lein


@meikemertsch: Great! Those sorts of problems happen occasionally, I’m not sure why since I’ve never managed to reproduce them.