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I wanted to play with a batch-available function. The idea: • It blocks until it batches up min items, but then tries to drain up to max items • To drain up to max items, I thought I could use the poll! function Here's what I got so far:

(defn- poll-times! [from n]
  (keep (fn [_] (a/poll! from)) (range 0 n)))

(defn batch-available
  "Batches `from` onto `to`. 
   One batch is _at least_ `min` items, and at _most_ max items."
  [from to min max]
   [items []]
    (if (>= (count items) min)
      (do (a/>! to
                (into items (poll-times! from (- max (count items)))))
          (recur []))
      (let [item (a/!! from 1)
  (a/>!! from 2)
  (a/>!! from 3)
  (a/>!! from 4)
  (a/>!! from 5)

  (a/close! from))
It looks like my poll-times! is not doing what I expect at all though:
; eval (current-form): (a/>!! from 1)
; (out) to:  [1]
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; eval (current-form): (a/>!! from 2)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; eval (current-form): (a/>!! from 3)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; eval (current-form): (a/>!! from 4)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; eval (current-form): (a/>!! from 5)
; (out) to:  [2]
; (out) to:  [3]
; (out) to:  [4 5]
I think I'm missing something obvious -- all pointers very welcome!


Add printlns (logging) into the loop in batch available. You have multiple threads of execution (at least 2 go loops and the repl thread) and you'll want to see where they are in relation to each other at any given time when debugging


It's not clear which part of what you are taking issue with, you have a comment showing a starting of your batch-available loop, and the code in that comment doesn't really match the output shown (there is a take from from in the middle) so not clear what parameters you started batch-available with, and it not clear what you expected?


What repl are you using? Depending you might be getting output(printing) batched to some degree


Thanks @U0NCTKEV8! To clarify what I was expecting: I >!! 1 into from This printed

to: [1] 
Then while the go-loop was sleeping for 5 seconds, I >!! 2, 3, 4, 5 I expected a println of
to: [2, 3, 4, 5]
But I instead got separate printlns:
to: [2]
to: [3]
to: [4, 5]
I am using conjure on top of an nrepl --- Will continnue debugging and printlnin


Nrepl buffers output to some degree


So the [2] was likely printed right after you put 2, [3] right after you put 3, and then for whatever reason the put of 5 happened fast enough after the put of 4 so they got batched together


The printing gets captured as an output buffer that nrepl according to some condition flushes as an out message to the nrepl client, then the client prints it


My suggestion would be to base the batching on a time window, using alts and a timeout channel, because when it comes down to describing the behavior you want for this kind of batching you always end up needing time

👍 1

Thank you @U0NCTKEV8! Ended up going with a more basic approach, since we needed 'at min one':

(defn- poll-times! [from n]
  (keep (fn [_] (a/poll! from)) (range 0 n)))

(defn take-available!! [ch max]
  (if-some [item (a/
Will keep this in mind when we need more comprehensive batching