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Faiz Halde18:01:29

any idea why a thread/go-block that’s blocked/parked on a channel does not resume when we close that channel (channel closing happens after it’s already blocked/parked) e.g.

(def c (chan))

    [[c "value"]] :done))

(close! c) ;; expected alt!! to return since all its clauses are never going to succeed now

Faiz Halde19:01:38

ok nevermind. understood. the expectations with writes is that someone may want to read it

Faiz Halde19:01:19

and once all reads have happened the thread/goroutine will unblock


There are some bugs open for this

Faiz Halde14:01:54

posting on a wider channel for visibility thanks @hiredman btw, do you think there are any best practices on how to gracefully shutdown a core async system? i’m hitting cases where some systems close the channels and there’s often a race condition that causes the upstream go blocks to block forever if `>!` precedes the `close!` & nobody is there to read what’s put. essentially causing a deadlock for now what i’m thinking is to use `alts!` as much as possible rather than doing any puts/gets serially via `<!` or `>!` .. this way i can have a controller channel that alts will be waiting on (along with other channels). this way I can do an early termination Other way would be to think of my systems message passing as a FSM and only allow a shutdown at a safepoint


I use this for these cases to ensure the channels are not blocking anything when they're closed

(defn drain! [ch]
  (a/close! ch)
  (->> (repeatedly #(a/poll! ch))
       (take-while identity)

Faiz Halde14:01:46

did think of this. i might as well proceed with this for now and think of a clean strategy later

Faiz Halde14:01:54

posting on a wider channel for visibility thanks @hiredman btw, do you think there are any best practices on how to gracefully shutdown a core async system? i’m hitting cases where some systems close the channels and there’s often a race condition that causes the upstream go blocks to block forever if `>!` precedes the `close!` & nobody is there to read what’s put. essentially causing a deadlock for now what i’m thinking is to use `alts!` as much as possible rather than doing any puts/gets serially via `<!` or `>!` .. this way i can have a controller channel that alts will be waiting on (along with other channels). this way I can do an early termination Other way would be to think of my systems message passing as a FSM and only allow a shutdown at a safepoint