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I'm doing dining philosophers in cljs and wanted to recreate the standard deadlock situation before moving to the standard deadlock prevention strategies. However, I'm unable to actually trigger deadlock here. Does anyone see anything that would not allow the cyclic deadlock?
playing with it some more, it seems that there is no context switching between the (<! left)
and (<! right)
takes. if i put a small timeout channel take there it does happen. I thought it was a bit more cooperative multitasking there but it doesn't seem like it
If you find what you're looking for in the channel immediately, it won't context switch
Well, up to the buffer, so like @hiredman said, in your case the puter won't wait for the taker unless the buffer is full and the taker won't wait for the puter unless the buffer is empty
So the buffers control when things get to switch in a way. That said, from what I understand, two takes in a row won't switch if the take immediately succeeds.
I believe the context switch is round-robin? Actually, can someone confirm? So if you have something putting super quickly, and something taking a more slowly, it won't starve other processes, since between each rendez-vous of the put/take, it'll make a visit to the other processes
I like to think of it as I am the process. As I'm doing something, I won't stop to do anything else, until I reach a point where I can't continue on my current task, because I'm waiting for something, that's when I'll wonder off and see if there's anything else I can do in the mean time. Rince and Repeat
as in, go blocks are scheduled by being put on the end of a queue, which some threads are pulling tasks off and running
the way they are schedule is the go macro turns them into callbacks attached to channels, and when something happens on the channel the callback is put on the queue
having no central scheduler/controller is one of the most clever parts of core.async imo (esp when you look at alts etc)
if A and B are ping ponging, then first A runs, which puts B on the queue and puts A "to sleep", and then B is taken off the queue and run, which puts A on the queue and puts B "to sleep"
at any point something else could be put on the queue which would be process beforeish(there are acutally multiple threads consuming and running tasks) the next A or B
there have been bugs related to this I think in the cljs implementation, where it would try to optimize by skipping the queue step, would easily results in starvation on a js vm because you only have one thread
That's exactly the scenario I was thinking. I can see how the thread pool for processed on the JVM would help a bit, but it still seems at least theoretically prone to it
no, given a fifo queue it won't happen, if you go through each step of A and B ping ponging, and assume at some point something else puts something on the queue, you can show eventually it reaches the front of the queue ahead of any work for A and B
in the specific case of core.async, core.async itself has multiple threads in its pool and the jvm has multiple threads outside of core.async
but even if you are restrict yourself to a single thread and only core.async, it is still the case
if the task exists for core.async it is either currently running, attached as a callback to some channel, or in the queue to be run
if it is attached to some channel that means it is waiting for activity on that channel and has nothing to do
when a task has nothing to do it cannot be starved (by definition starvation is a task with work to do not being able to get time to run)
so in order for a task to be starved it is either currently running or currently in the queue
"in order for a task to be starved it must exist first", hum, is this true? wouldn't task start processing before every go block is evaluated?
if you write a go block you cannot complain it is being starved because it is never run in my repl
and later you have another go trying to put a "stop" on it, which should sto the go-loop from ping-ponging
if you write a program you cannot say it is being starved by the scheduler if you never run it
the problem with taking clojurescript as an example is I have seen people writing patches for cljs choose performance over what in my estimation is "correct" over and over again, so it feels like thin ice
The key invariants are: at some point one of the processes must yield (do some channel operation that can't complete immediately so it registers itself as a callback on the channel) and when it does complete the task must pass through the fifo queue before running again
(def a (async/chan 1))
(async/put! a 10)
(do (async/go-loop [a a]
(let [v (async/<! a)]
(println v)
(async/>! a 20)
(when v
(recur a))))
(async/go (async/>! a false)))
Logically, given a single threaded environment, I feel it would starve the second go process, and thus infinite loop
and even if it was, you would have successive processes doing stuff to a, not two processes ping ponging
True, sorry, I guess I meant with a buffer of 0:
(def a (async/chan))
(async/put! a 10)
(do (async/go-loop [a a]
(let [v (async/<! a)]
(println v)
(async/>! a 20)
(when v
(recur a))))
(async/go (println "ending the loop")
(async/>! a false)))
not sure what changing the buffer size is supposed to change about it not being two processes ping ponging
Well, on the take of a, a continuation of the rest is created and put on the queue no ?
a ping pong is A sending a ping to B then waiting for a pong, B waiting for the ping, then sending a pong to A, then A sending a ping to B
right, so here I'm using the same loop for that, put its like sending a ping to itself 😛
if instead of saying "couldn't two ping ponging processes lead to starvation" you said "couldn't an infinite loop that does nothing but read and write to a channel that no one else is reading and writing to lead to starvation", the answer is yes, because those are different things
(def a (async/chan))
(async/put! a 10)
(async/go-loop [a a]
(when a
(async/>! a 20)
(recur a)))
(async/go-loop [a a]
(when a
(println (async/<! a))
(recur a)))
(async/go (println "ending the loop")
(async/close! a)))
but even then I think it maybe a case where cljs has "optimized" things and it breaks things
on clojure that will terminate always anyway because you need at least 8 tasks not yielding
This works as well, in clojure and cljs:
(def a (async/chan))
(def keep-going (atom true))
(async/go-loop [a a]
(when @keep-going
(async/>! a 20)
(recur a)))
(async/go-loop [a a]
(when @keep-going
(println (async/<! a))
(recur a)))
(async/go (println "ending the loop")
(reset! keep-going false)
(async/close! a)))
Strictly speaking this is only pinging, no ponging. For ping-ponging to occur the second go loop needs to send a response to the first, and the first will have to wait for the response, and that will need another channel