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Logan Powell11:05:18

@clark Thank you for your offer to help. I think I'm figuring it out, but slowly 🙂

Logan Powell11:05:48

let me know if there's a better way to present this that doesn't create a neverending loop

Logan Powell14:05:20

are go blocks not lazy?

Logan Powell14:05:19

should I use put!s instead?

Logan Powell14:05:49

put! doesn't seem to cut it

Logan Powell14:05:01

glitch_crab Sorry, I used def not defn 😛

Logan Powell14:05:55

woah, my mind is exploding over here :shocked_face_with_exploding_head: If anyone can help me wrap my head around why put!'ing to a chan when it's in motion seems to restart the process, I plan on publishing this stuff to the intertubes for posterity:


the single-! variants of <! and >! are generally called parking takes and puts


I think this refers to them as synchronous takes/puts

Logan Powell14:05:41

will correct, thanks!


i think it’s important to think about these operations in terms of parking vs blocking. go being a macro for wrapping parking operations. threads, which all code is executed in, are the context for blocking operations, so nothing special is needed to use blocking operations.

Logan Powell14:05:54

so, I can clarify that "parking" enables ClojureScript users to use "blocking" syntax?


not really…

Logan Powell14:05:19

that's what I thought


clojurescript (javascript) does not have threads


so there is no true asynchrony (for the most part)

Logan Powell14:05:01

can you elaborate on "no true asynchrony"?


2 computations cannot happen at the exact same time


it’s the concurrency != parallelism thing

Logan Powell15:05:05

right, is that why my put!s are restarting the process?


i’m not sure what you mean by restarting the process

Logan Powell15:05:04

thank you for that, yes, I'm - slightly - in tune with the difference there...


can you post an example of how you are using put!?

Logan Powell15:05:31

the two different logs

Logan Powell15:05:03

I'm trying to put! to a running chan

Logan Powell15:05:22

and it like quadruples its output size


what do you mean by running chan? what is a not-running chan?


apologize if i’m being pedantic, but i want to avoid us talking past each other


so calling timeout-chan starts a process which is supposed to run for 5000ms


but it also starts 3 other processes which infinitely put messages on port


so port will accumulate those puts long after the go-loop process completes

Logan Powell15:05:22

so, they're not "waking up" again, but they're just loaded in the port?


the 2 examples are not the same


what are you trying to show by calling (put! test-chan "OUTSIDE")?

Logan Powell15:05:00

no, but if if just eval the (timeout-chan test-chan) it logs the same as the (let.. (go..

Logan Powell15:05:15

I'm trying to show how to interact with the channel from the "outside"


which channel are you trying to interact with?

Logan Powell15:05:36

say from an api


the one returned by timeout-chan, which is created by the go-loop?

Logan Powell15:05:58

the test-chan in the example

Logan Powell15:05:13

I'm using the timeout inside of the timeout-chan as an alts! control trigger

Logan Powell15:05:51

to stop the go-loop


I think there are simpler ways to show this


staying with this code

Logan Powell15:05:14

please 🙏 😄


i bet you’re dealing with a race condition

Logan Powell15:05:44

I think it might also help others to see these idiosyncrasies


sometimes the go-loop is parked on the call to (<! port)


sometimes it’s parked on (alts! [port tmt])


you don’t actually want that (<! port) call


I don’t quite understand it


you’ve already taken a value from port using alts!

Logan Powell15:05:21

can you explain what you mean by sometimes it's parked on the call to (<! port)?


what does that call do when port has no pending puts?

Logan Powell15:05:55

let me think about what your asking...


in general when demonstrating anything async you probably want to avoid timeouts — and anything time-dependent. you want things as controlled as possible. so separate trigger channels acting like “gates” are usually a fine choice.


but i know that’s sometimes less realistic



Logan Powell15:05:50

k, let me marinate on this convo 😉

👍 4