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Hi, Is it possible to interrupt this loop?

  (while true
       (<! ch)
       (catch Exception ex
I have code like this, but it's likely the loop will stop after a few time. ch is a (chan (dropping-buffer 1)), when the loop is stopped, I can get the item in ch with (<!! ch). And there's no error log(even though I logged in catch clause). So I wondering in which situation the loop will stop.


how do you know it "stops"? does the ... have any other channel operations? what version of core.async are you using? before 0.3.426 exception handling was pretty broken


version of core.async in [org.clojure/core.async "0.3.442"]. why I think it stops is that, there's no log printed, I have log inside try block. and when log disappear, I can use (<!! ch) consume the item in channel.


but what is in the "..." could it be blocked publishing to a downstream channel?


Yes, you,re right, there's a parking take inside. I shoud add more log to see if there's any problem.