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I'm just starting out with configuring nvim in lua after years of running barebones nvim. I'm trying out LazyVim as a shortcut to getting sensible defaults. I've installed Conjure, and I'm trying to remap some conjure keybindings, as they clash with those of default LazyVim. How do I map this style of keymapping from Conjure to this style from LazyVim?

vim.g["conjure#mapping#doc_word"] = "gk"

vim.keymap.set("n", "", "j", { desc = "Go to Lower Window", remap = true })
More LazyVim examples here: I tried variations like
vim.keymap.set("n", "gk", "[conjure#mapping#doc_word]", { desc = "Conjure: doc_word", remap = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "vs", "conjure#mapping#log_vsplit", { desc = "Conjure: log log_vsplit", remap = true })
, but while they're registered by which-key so that I can see the description when I type e.g. vs, nothing seems to be called.


This seems to work. Is it the proper way to go?

vim.keymap.set("n", "vs", ":ConjureLogSplit", { desc = "Conjure: log split", remap = true })