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Erik Lundevall-Zara11:01:17

I have recently started to try out NeoVim and Conjure, and it is quite nice! However, when I added the vim-sexp plugin, it seems it maps <localLeader>l for sexp_insert_at_list_tail, which conflicts with conjure's mappings for log buffers. Since the plugin vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people provides a better mapping for the insert operation here, I just want to skip that particular mapping that vim-sexp sets up. However, I am not sure how to get Conjure's key mapping to take priority here. I use the Lazy plugin manager for plugins.

Erik Lundevall-Zara12:01:43

I think I have solved this by adding vim-sexp as a dependency to Olical/conjure.

Oliver Marshall13:01:20

Personal preference here: but I'd prefer disabling the mapping in vim-sexp vs relying on the ordering of the package manager.

Erik Lundevall-Zara14:01:52

I would prefer that also, but I am not sure how I can do that.

Oliver Marshall14:01:00

Looks like you can do so using g:sexp_mappings with more options in :help sexp-explicit-mappings( FYI, I don't use vim-sexp so this is probably as far as I can tinker 😅


There is also nvim-parinfer and/or nvim-paredit as alternatives, which also uses Neovim treesitter so is very efficient

Erik Lundevall-Zara07:01:12

@U5W78K2UF Yes, I figured out that far, although I do not think I can remove any mappings, just override them with something else, which might be good enough though. @U05254DQM That is interesting, I will check them out. Thanks!

👍 1