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Hate to ask this simple question, but can't figure it out. I feel I ought to know. gd is mapped by default to def_word, which goes to the definition of a function. What is the opposite: bring me back to where I was when I last executed gd? In some earlier configuration I had, this kind of action was mapped to C-[, which I think is traditional for vim. However, C-[ /`^[` is currently unmapped and just jumps up a line within the buffer, and I've failed in my searchers for either a keymapping or a function that can be mapped for this purpose in the main Conjure and clojure-client documentation.


Try C-t. I think that's the traditional opposite of C-]. C-] is sort of like gd / go-to-definition, but in a not-as-smart way based on tags EDIT: I meant C-], not C-[


Thanks @U0AHJUHJN! C-t did it.


(I guess I got C-[ and C-] mixed up.)


Nice! Glad I could help!


Also, I misspoke above. I meant C-], not C-[. C-[ doesn't do anything that I'm aware of


OK, I know of C-]; that works in the vim docs to follow links. For some reason I thought I remembered C-[ was kind of an opposite. Maybe that's from vim-iced or something else I was using in the past.