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Hey team, does this ever happen to you? a. I evaluate some form in nvim b. It ends up doing a lot of printing c. This causes nvim to completely freeze, so I can’t even cancel the operation d. Now I have to restart nvim + repl What do you do in this situation?


Hmm, it's a hard tradeoff. I've tried to make it as efficient as possible when prettyprinting all the data but there will still be some overhead. If I start cutting data off it might break people's workflows, so the default of "do what you asked" which is "run the code, show the result" makes sense most of the time. I do wonder if this is due to something in your nvim though, maybe tree-sitter or a plugin that's running in that buffer? I say that only because I've printed hundreds of thousands of lines of output in the past and had maybe 1000-3000ms of locking up. Old Conjure used to be a LOT worse for that, C-c should help stop processes in their tracks though, it should interrupt Conjure itself. Or do you mean it's printing like a line every millisecond, not a large returned data structure? Because that's interesting!


If that's a thing maybe I could have Conjure batch up or start dropping stdout if it's getting flooded (with config of course)


> Or do you mean it’s printing like a line every millisecond, not a large returned data structure? Because that’s interesting! Yes! (I was hacking up an interpreter, and sometimes added println to a core step xD) > I do wonder if this is due to something in your nvim though, maybe tree-sitter or a plugin that’s running in that buffer? I say that only because I’ve printed hundreds of thousands of lines of output in the past and had maybe 1000-3000ms of locking up. > > Old Conjure used to be a LOT worse for that, `C-c` should help stop processes in their tracks though, it should interrupt Conjure itself. Will look into both of this, and see if I need to upgrade too. Thanks for the thoughts @U38J3881W!


Not sure about your specific issue but when I've messed things up and Ctr-C doesn't stop the process I can sometimes still use the ConjureCljSessionClose command (`<localleader>sq`) and that ends it and I think starts another session again.