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Can we use things like (read-string) or take user input from the repl? How do you folks test such things when writing your programs?


nREPL does have support for intercepting this and prompting the client for input which I did have working at one point. If nREPL sent the "input required" message I'd then prompt for input in nvim and pass the input back down to the nREPL. This could probably be done a little nicer, perhaps making the thread wait on a promise that you can deliver by evaluating some example code that gets placed into the log buffer :thinking_face: although that may be impossible within nREPL's input system.


If it's not doing that, something broke! Or some other middleware etc is intercepting that input required message before it gets to Conjure, perhaps.


@U38J3881W ahh, I am getting that behavior now. Not sure how I missed it. It does request and wait for my prompt before it prints the actual text asking for the input though.