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@chase-lambert @berkeleytrue The EOF error is suuuuper weird, like I expect develop to be flaky for any Fennel/Aniseed related work right now since I'm rebuilding how evals work + the entire module system (from scratch basically! I'm using the develop branch's of both for day to day Clojure work right now and it's working absolutely fine :thinking_face:


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- │ │; localhost:34183 (connected): .nrepl-port │ │; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- │ │; Assumed session: Asian cat (Clojure) │ │; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- │ │; eval (root-form): (ns practice.core (:require [practi... │ │; (err) Syntax error reading source at (REPL:4:1). │ │; (err) EOF while reading, starting at line 1


With debug set to true:


; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                        
; eval (root-form): (+ 1 2                                                                                                
; debug: send                                                                                                             
{:code "(+ 1 2"                                                                                                           
 :column 1                                                                                                                
 :file "/home/chaselambert/projects/practice/src/practice/core.clj"                                                       
 :id "666fb1fa-083f-4ace-a599-5e0610f54406"                                                                               
 :line 11                                                                                                                 
 :nrepl.middleware.print/options {:associative 1 :length 500 :level 50}                                                   
 :nrepl.middleware.print/print "conjure.internal/pprint"                                                                  
 :ns "practice.core"                                                                                                      
 :op "eval"                                                                                                               
 :session "8428d9d0-8c44-4daf-88b0-be5019df6a08"}                                                                         
; debug: receive                                                                                                          
{:err "Syntax error reading source at (REPL:12:1).                                                                        
EOF while reading, starting at line 11                                                                                    
 :id "666fb1fa-083f-4ace-a599-5e0610f54406"                                                                               
 :session "8428d9d0-8c44-4daf-88b0-be5019df6a08"}                                                                         
; (err) Syntax error reading source at (REPL:12:1).                                                                       
; (err) EOF while reading, starting at line 11                                                                            
; debug: receive                                                                                                          
{:ex "class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo"                                                                                   
 :id "666fb1fa-083f-4ace-a599-5e0610f54406"                                                                               
 :root-ex "class java.lang.RuntimeException"                                                                              
 :session "8428d9d0-8c44-4daf-88b0-be5019df6a08"                                                                          
 :status ["eval-error"]}                                                                                                  
; debug: receive                                                                                                          
{:id "666fb1fa-083f-4ace-a599-5e0610f54406"                                                                               
 :session "8428d9d0-8c44-4daf-88b0-be5019df6a08"                                                                          
 :status ["done"]}                                                                                                        
; debug: receive                                                                                                          
{:changed-namespaces {}                                                                                                   
 :id "666fb1fa-083f-4ace-a599-5e0610f54406"                                                                               
 :repl-type "clj"                                                                                                         
 :session "8428d9d0-8c44-4daf-88b0-be5019df6a08"                                                                          
 :status ["state"]}                     


It's not reading the ending parens on any of the expressions I evaluate. That doesn't seem to be the case if I evaluate the whole buffer though.


The files and expression are all formatted correctly for sure


EOF error is often caused by a missing paren, so the error does makes sense in that regard. I don't know what could be dropping the last character though. I installed Conjure on a new laptop a few days ago and cannot replicate the issue, sorry.


Are you on the develop branch? That is when I saw it. Simply switching to the master branch works great which is recommended (or actually it seems tagged releases are the official recommendation), I was just trying to provide more info for him in case it helped if he or others encountered the same thing.

👍 2

I reinstalled it to show ya. Let me know if I can provide anything else if it helps you out


Whatever expression I try and eval it gives the error with that line number