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I think the rename of master
to main
broke my Plug. Now :PlugStatus
shows this:
x conjure:
Ahead of origin/master by 42 commit(s).
Cannot update until local changes are pushed.
I thought I might be able to fix it with git but it looks like the right version is checked out:
~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/conjure [(HEAD detached at v4.11.0)]
λ git status
HEAD detached at v4.11.0
nothing to commit, working tree clean
So sorry about this, I thought GitHub would handle the redirection, I'll dig into what I can do tomorrow, I might just have to rename it back :(
Hrm, it didn’t seem to help; however, deleting conjure
under ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged
and re-running :PlugInstall
seems to have cleared things up. Thanks!
I'm messing around with this tutorial (I'm on this part: and I can get everything connected and running (even datomic for the first time!) except for the cljs repl portion.
This uses figwheel instead of shadow-cljs so I'm not sure what to do. I connect with ConjureConnect 7002
(the cljs nrepl started by figwheel) but it hooks me into a clj repl instead. I'm not sure what variable I am supposed to feed into ConjurePiggieback ...
if that is what I should be doing instead. Figwheel says its on build: app, but ConjurePiggieback app
gives me an unable to resolve symbol: app
Although it looks like the project uses lein-fighweel so you might need ConjurePiggieback (figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/repl-env "app")
That worked! Thank you. I'm not sure I could have found that solution. I'm taking a screenshot. haha. Where did you find that?
I don't remember exactly, maybe