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Probably a little known trick: If you want to eval things in the log buffer kind of like a REPL and you want it to use a specific namespace you can use :let b:conjure_context="", all future evals in the log buffer will be under that NS.


Of course you can also eval (ns ) but I think that’ll get overwritten as you eval things in other buffers. b:conjure_context may work where other methods fail, just for future reference.


Also I’m glad Conjure leaves all the CIDER magic stuff up to you 😅 working on a project that’s stuck on an old Clojure version, I think a bunch of things are out of date. But because Conjure’s default approach is “use what’s available, warn what isn’t” it all works to some degree. If I can update some things more features will come online!


I want to keep going down this route, so rather than trying to be overly clever I’ll try to use what’s available and tell you what to do when it hits a wall such as “hey if you get this dep this will work”


Less guarding code to go wrong and fail in the future. The most reliable code is the code that was never written. I may add all that magic jack in jazz eventually, it’s just full of Opinions ™️ and it opens up the “well my specific use case…” can of worms.