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@seancorfield: I know @denik - should I relay something to him? (He seems to be online right now as well)
@martinklepsch that would be great! I get the impression he set them up early on and then didn't use Slack much after that...?
I made a bunch of changes to the wiki. Moved the chat app
page contents to the home page and deleted that page. Added some content to all the other pages. Please check it out and add moar. Thanks.
@seancorfield: I’m quoting you extensively w/r/t IRC (things you’ve said in this channel) on the IRC wiki page. lmk if that’s not something you want (or edit it yourself
Just remember it's all "IMO" 😸
The bike-shed needs painting again. What color?
wiki love fest:
@jaredly @seancorfield just because one implementation of a bridge does not handle multimedia integration very well does not mean that all possible bridge implementations would suffer the same
Also, not sure why you'd think that "fake handles" would be an issue: why not just clone whichever handle the person is using on whichever side to the other side (unless there is a collision and then just append _N).
@mfikes: I too have seen the Slack lockup when switching back to it (but it didn't feel like it was quite 10 seconds).
@rafd: Can I ask you to sort of take ownership of this page so that it accurately reflects whatever you want it to say about Braid?
@johanatan: position appreciated (and added to the IRC wiki page, looks like)
@jaredly and @johanatan Thank you for capturing all of this IRC stuff on the wiki.
@johanatan: your contributions are valuable and much appreciated. please add yourself to the list so we keep you in the loop
Was there discussion of Vector/Matrix as options beyond noting that their web client isn't quite there yet?
@meow: thanks! been following this from the sidelines for a while, thought I'd chime in at least.
we just started capturing content on the wiki so take a look and pitch in if you want
Just a note on hosting... at present I'm funded to the tune of $65/mo to run, operating costs are nearer $25/mo, could be persuaded to offer hosting to something like this using money already coming from the Clojure community for other projects.
Since amalloy and raynes have pretty much abandoned lazybot on Freenode's #C03S1KBA2 I've offered to take over running the bot as such for these reasons although it's not clear if that's gonna happen or not.
@meow: gotcha. @danielcompton does this tie together at all with clojure/org?
Just a note for discussion, I don't know how many of you use, but I'm highly opposed to having whatever it is we switch to be truly open access.
@seancorfield would be the one to ask about that
I think that the history of IRC servers and IRC drama is evidence enough that if we offer a properly open chat platform, it will eventually be abused and used to harass people in manners which the unfortunate administrators will have great difficulty responding to. I think that the Lobsters approach of making you get an invite from an existing user is interesting in that it means you can't just spam smurf accounts and there is a chain of accountability in the case of a user who invites multiple abusive accounts to prevent such abuse.
I understand that we want a low friction "newcommer first join" UX, but I think this does also need to be weighed with the potential for abuse.
@arrdem: I agree. It wasn't burdensome at all to get an invite to join Slack (since there were many offers of such on my Twitter stream already).
I added your concern to the wiki - feel free to discuss here and then update the wiki, please and thank you
I also note, and admit that I have a lot of personal bias here, that whatever platform we jump to / create should be able to put a tight leash on bots. See
we probably should flesh out the concern on the concerns page and then throw some features into the main page and wherever else they make sense
I agree. But both lazybot
and clojurebot
are entirely unofficial and report to nobody so there it sits.
@arrdem: You should just clone clojurebot
, remove your name from the list and release it as some endearingly-named bot.
@johanatan: if I were more mean-spirited or actually cared an effort to ddos clojurebot and force progress on this issue could have been made long ago. I think that adding more bots is rude and misses the point and so have refrained.
So that issue is pretty much WTF, but have there been instances of abuse in #C03S1KBA2 or #C03S1L9DN on FreeNode?
We've had a few instances of trolling, a user chare
a while back was help vampiring for a few days. bitemyapp
and I had a good time baiting it and everyone else pretty much left it alone.
I don't see adding more bots in the same way apparently although admittedly I lack context/history. Bots are intelligent agents too.
Also, how do you ever know if those other handles on the internet are bots or not anyway?
That incident aside I'm not aware of any real issues in either irc channel although my history is short.
Clojure benefits greatly from being pretty niche in that regard unlike #python
and #haskell
which have to work pretty hard to control channel volume and content.
I think a gated community with easy access and easy exit is the way to go - meaning make it easy to join but also easy to remove trouble
is less niche than #haskell
? You wouldn't know it by the number of open positions in the job market for each
I'm purely going by number of active IRC users here. #clojure
is no more than half the size of #haskell
and related channels.
haskell has been around longer and might have more irc users completely independent of market demand for job positions
Perhaps all the Clojurists haven't given up on CommonLisp or Racket and thus their time is divided?
Also, perhaps Clojure is a more naturally grok'd language so you don't get as many newbs asking as many "how do i..." questions.
I'm not gonna argue that one either way. I think it's more a question of demographics and associated user cultures.
Yes, demographics and associated cultures is what I was getting at with alluding to the CL and Racket grey beards who don't need help from IRC to use Clojure
@johanatan: not that I think it matters, but I'd argue it the other way. I think that the kinds of people who use Clojure have real jobs and aren't able to / don't choose to sit on IRC during the day answering questions and talking shop whereas the Haskell folk love the baby and expend far more energy talking about it and helping out.
Case in point, at Factual amalloy
was the only one who really used IRC during the day although dbash
and I were both logged in and we were in an org with ~30 clojure programmers.
@meow: haha, true. but some are grumpy. Lispers in particular have not historically been known as the most congenial (rightly or not).
@johanatan: need to work on that enter key control mate 😛
@johanatan: maybe
@arrdem: it's not lack of enter key control. actually it is one of the few poorly designed aspects of Slack's UX.
Oh right shift-enter it's something I've gotten used to by dint of participating in several other very very active slacks.
and that results in a message going to the channel of nothing but the handle being sought. arg!
i.e., the "people matching @xxz" list should still contain one item when it is a full match
but it doesn't. it contains zero items. and an enter at that point of course doesn't select the non-existent item but rather sends an essentially empty message to the channel
So if we end up going the route of writing our own code for this, would be really cool to see this annoying aspect of Slack fixed.
@johanatan: you know where to post feature requests
@arrdem: can I ask you to make sure the wiki reflects your concerns about bots and any suggested ways of handling them in our chat app, as well as anything else important to you?
@meow: actually I don't unless you're referring to braid (and I didn't think we'd made any decision regarding it yet).
pkobrien: Just a note for next time since we're committed to GH wiki, is amazing because it's real time, edits are tagged by who made them, makes using inline comments for discussion easy.
@arrdem: It’s not too late - not having attribution on changes in GH wiki is annoying
@johanatan: you lost me
I know @meow likes a simple free-love wiki with none of that new-fangled stuff the kidz like
sgtm give me a minute to finish reviewing an old and memory-filled hackpad, grab another 🍺
@meow: you suggested that I knew where to submit the "feature request" (which is really not a feature request but rather a "heads-up bug to avoid")
In my opinion it would be out of place and premature for such an idiosyncratic glitch to be singled out on the wiki as something for our rewrite to avoid
At the point where there is an actual GitHub setup with code in it, sure, I would submit an issue
no, just that if you phrase what you wrote in a positive fashion - describing how you want it to work when there is a full match - you could just add that to the list of nice-to-haves on the home page
Umm ok but it seems like such a minor thing. I'd rather wait and see it start to get baked and then if I see the issue or room for improvement file an issue
when the user types an autocomplete value that is a complete match it should not mess up the Enter key the way it does on slack
so don't feel the need to self-filter - if there are glitches that annoy you then describe how you want it to behave and add it to the list so we know what needs to be coded from the get go
there are whatever sections I've come up with so far and some that others have contributed and I want to keep things loose and flexible and get more contributions and we'll just keeping shaping this thing as we go
this is the messy, artistic, brainstorming, griping, bikeshedding, concerning part of the process
Home, CoC and concerns all on hackpad. Still moving things. You should be able to just click the link and start adding documents.
As I have the auth settings right now, clicking the link should show you a list of documents. Lemme log out and check this claim.
it wants my google contacts and I don't want it to have them and there is no way to remove that request for perm WTF
It doesn't spam anyone, it just indexes them by name so that it can give you lower friction "add user to document" behavior.
so I hit deny to the whole thing and now I'm at their home page with no idea what that means
I don't like that slack makes me go all the way to the right and click twice to edit prev post
will let you edit the last one, but up twice won't let you edit the one before that etc. Slack actually has some really interesting permissioning problems around who can edit messages and when.
If you type markdown in, the editor will autoformat, but if you copy/paste markdown in it won't figure it out.
I read it anyway - probably just made things worse - how do I get rid of it or what do I do from here
You can click on a file in that collection list to edit it, or you can create a new file by clicking the file+ button top left, edit it, click the green link next to the title, set permissions to public and then add it to the clojure-community-development collection
@meow: you should be able to click the link and just create hackpads here.
I'll also move all those hackpads over to the hackpad space where anyone can edit. Looks like the list I shared with you is tied to my account.
I pinned the home page and I'd like it to stay there as it is meant to be an introduction and overview - I'm flexible on all the rest
If you can create a new document and add it to that collection we're all good to go and can ignore the new link I just posted.
Otherwise we have a problem and need to make the transition to using their real workspace tool
how do I get a permalink for say, the Slackpocalypse page so I can paste it here and there to get people interested in what we are doing
There's a green link icon to the left of the title. Clicking on that will let you make it public.
Worked great for a single huge document with several editors ~6mo ago, hence my suggestion.
if you just click the "add to collection" button you should (I hope) be able to type some prefix string of "clojure-community..." and see my collection as an option.
The really compelling feature is comments. Just add a new line, type // c/c++ style and away you go.
@meow: made changes to the wiki re: Braid:
Yeah that was the killer feature in the previous use. The document was quite the loaded rant by yours truly discussed and edited by a bunch of people mainly using the inline comments to provide long form discussion
btw: (posting there so as not to derail this discussion, can discuss in that room instead)
Hmm, this was probably already beaten to death - why not a layer over IRC? I've scrolled above and seen something about this having been discussed elsewhere, but is there any link to that?
Also some cautionary questions about the organization and administration of whatever the new chat platform is wrt signups, potential for harassment and administrative oversight of bots.
Mainly because I think that the GH wiki format is poorly structured for recording discussion of open questions and I've previously had very very good success using hackpad's inline comment features for this.
A lot of this channel has been "go write it on the wiki" so I thought that a tool with better support for comments and discussion would be welcomed.
I was going to create us a jira and confluence set-up :-) but cool I will look into this hackpad, heard of it but never used it
Just so you have an example of a really really actively commented on hackpad doc, check this one out. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't edit it for historical interest. Warning: may be inflamatory re clojure gov't in this crowd.
@rafd: all you should have to do is create a new document, set it's access permissions to public and add it to the clojure-community-... collection.
Ho-hum. What's there on IRC in the hackpad doesn't convince me so far it's a bad choice to be honest - things like rich messages, account management, troll prevention feel like something that can be appropriately solved on top of IRC. And this Matrix thing seems like it solves some of the problems plain IRC has for us already.
@rafd: the tricky bits are that the UI around changing permissions is kinda odd, you click on the link to the left of the title, and adding to a collection requires that you disable the editing overlay by clicking on the pencil near the top right.
For one - I can't see what's so unworkable about having IRC server that only lets voiced people chat and voicing being based on registration in the platform. For rich messages - platforms like Slack already have to do some inference on how to display content, why couldn't some proxy over IRC decide on that as well. To me all those issues are solvable and would neatly bridge both sides of the wall.
jaen: Personally, my introduction to the Clojure community was the IRC channel. I'd love whatever we build to "just work" and fit in atop the existing IRC channels rather than killing them.
Yeah, I've been hanging around in #haskell, #rust or #C03S1KBA2 for quite a bit before I've even known Slack existed.
Slack is slick, that's for sure, and I do quite like that, but sometimes you just want the simplicity of IRC.
jaen: As to the actual infrastructure problems, I'd tend to agree. The simplest thing that could possibly work would it seems to me be to write (or wrap) a Clojure IRC server with a database persistence layer and throw a React/Om webapp atop it.
Yeah, a smart proxy over or an IRC server written in Clojure that also exposes a web client and management seems like the obvious solution to me TBH.
Right. How about we take this to #C0J20813K since that's where @rafd is seriously threatening to build something.
Or Matrix, this also seems like an interesting choice of transport. Because whether it be IRC, Matrix or custom websocket thing the most things we would want to solve are orthogonal to the transport.
I'm not sure if I'll be having any time to help out but lurking/offering incidental comments is something I can do for sure ; d
@rafd: Where's the most useful for us to have this conversation. Is this a direction question for here or for there?
i think there's 3 conversations currently to be had: 1) ideal clojure chat client, 2) plan for clojurians re: slack, 3) braid stuff
Well that's about it for my input re: that to be honest, at least initially. I'll be interested to hear what people that are not partial to building it on top of IRC/Matrix have as counterpoints as I may be missing some obvious holes building the platform that way would have. And then maybe that can be expanded upon if we know what are the problems.
But I do have another question - someone mentioned considering datomic as the data store. And apart from the license IMO another glaring weakness of datomic is the inability to limit or sort results (at least easily), which seems something that's very important for a chat client.
@jaen: matrix is being taken into consideration as I am a fan of it myself, as well as a few others
Just a data point on the "just use IRC" front, it looks like there isn't an existing Clojure IRC server worth speaking of, nor a client which is actively maintained. There are a few also older Java IRC servers and clients which could probably be built atop.
Also IRC isn't an overtly complex protocol IIRC (I remember bashing together an IRC bot long ago with HTTP kit and it didn't seem too hard) and with a language of high power density like Clojure is it wouldn't probably be to hard to build it on top of aleph or somesuch. And as you mention, there's certainly Java to reused.
Yeah. It'd be an interesting project to just take something like aleph and crank out an IRC implementation. Shouldn't be too hard.
That's true. Slack isn't breathing on our necks... yet, though. So there's certainly some time to be had.
I'm good with assuming that the implementation of an IRC server is trivial as a starting point.
It'd be an interesting project to try and figure out what existing objections to IRC as a protocol are.
Exactly. I sort-of got an impression it's being assumed not propped up by concrete arguments (though I haven't been following the channel since beginning), so it would be good to collate any objections and see how solvable they are.
The big win of Transit as I understand it is for sending structures which either use complex encodings which you want to recover, or have either recursive or repeated structures which can be optimized relative to JSON or EDN. I don't see that this project (or anything else I've worked on) requires either of these features when JSON "just works" and everyone's familiar with it.
Well, with JSON you have to write some boilerplate to recover the types, which Transit has built-in, and funnily enough JSON objects are slower than Transit encoding.
But I can understand wanting to align more with standards that the general populace uses even if transit is more convenient.
Well, I do agree about being leery of datomic (I, for one, don't exactly trust a database that can't limit/sort reliably) but I'm pretty neutral-to-positive on transit.
to me all this low level stuff is just trivial crap that one has to sort out with little value add - by that I mean there is a server that contains data, and there are wires that transport data, and there are clients that send/receive data - the mechanisms of moving the data are just technical and performance details - the value is in the shape of that data and what it allows you to do with the UX, and how well you execute the UX
To be completely blunt, I trust Cognitect to develop elegant solutions to the problems they have chuck them over the wall to the rest of us, and then to utterly fail to manage them as open source projects in any way not directly aligned with their interests. This is also my assessment of the state of Clojure/Core in case you didn't read that original hackpad I linked earlier. JSON is easy in the Hickey sense of the word. One less thing to learn in approaching a project which is going to be 90% UX, not performance.
If JSON message encoding proves a problem, and I will be awestruck if it is, we can provide alternate encodings/decodings easily.
Yeah, I can see how you can view Cognitect and Clojure/Core. I also usually end up being pretty annoyed at Clojurescript maintainership, but maybe that's just me : V
But if you needed to retain typing in the messages (not saying it would be necessary) what would your proposal be?
just some context - in the python world there is twisted
and has been for many years - event-driven multi-protocol networking engine
using twisted you can create a server app that supports a wide variety of protocols in a single server and mix and match them all you want
you could envision this new chat app as having a custom protocol tailored to clojure as long as it also supported IRC for integration with tools that expect to talk irc
we aren't trying to invent a new protocol, and there is no reason to not support multiple protocols
Also, if you consider it what is wrong with providing multiple serialisations - if you need rich typing you get transit, if you don't want to use it - you get JSON (with or without type hints).
> we aren't trying to invent a new protocol Yeah, exactly my intention behind asking about ruling out IRC.
at some point you have to manage your options to limit the amount of work, but a server can handle whatever you are willing to write the code to do
It'd be interesting to offer websocket streaming connections to any channel w/o login, require login to post.
I think offering unauthenticated sockets as long as the channel is open doesn't lower any privacy guarantees not already had.
I think the interesting challenges will be things like "can the braid view of how to manage messages work for a large community of devs"
someone else might want to go with a "slack is the bomb it's just missing a couple of things and then it would be perfect" approach that's going to be the real kicker
I don't know and don't care. I'm offering to work with and advocate on behalf of any and all teams that want to work towards a solution. In the end the community will have to decide what to go with and I will abstain from that decision/vote/whatever
Well, I for one don't mind the room abstraction and Slack is pretty close to perfect IMO (when I first came across it was like OMG, Hipchat and whatever have never done it for me)
I think both room and tagging idea can be combined to be fair, to offer greater flexibility
we might start with multiple teams taking different approaches and evolve towards some ultimate hybrid
@gjnoonan: I suppose. You get default channel-per-tag setup for example and then you can tailor it to your liking.
Braid is a really cool idea... maybe it needs a root tag to bind everything else together at least for newcommers.
Though it might result in conversation become somewhat confusing when someone refers something in a different tag you don't subscribe to.
my thinking re: is that forums are very similar to concept to Braid and handle large communities decently (but traditionally have not been real time) and still have threading issues
I have some sketches of extending what I have in Braid to allow for lightweight branching, b/c tangents still happen, but I do want to avoid full threading (like on reddit for example)
@arrdem @jaen & others, I’ve been wondering whether an IRC server with a set of blessed plugins to try to emulate slack and a CLJS front end might work too.
Someone on HN said that the IRC protocol is incapable of supporting multi-line messages - no idea if that’s true.
Yeah, that's basically my idea, though I must admit I thought as it of monolithic not pluggable.
@jaen: No, I mean just take the most sane IRC server out there and use that. There are standard extensions IIRC to provide much of this stuff.
I definitely don’t think we should write an IRC server - that would just be bloody minded yak shaving.
Well, at least, I’d want to see a really compelling reason to do so. There may be such a reason - perhaps not supporting all of IRC if dropping some functionality makes the implementation more sane, for e.g.
XMPP would be the other candidate, but my impression from looking at HN threads for things that try to do something like this on top of it is that it gets super complex very quickly.
> that would be bloody minded yak shaving SIR HAVE YOU IGNORED THE LAST TWO YEARS OF MY WRITINGS
Re: multiline messaging - that seems to be true according to the RFC: > IRC messages are always lines of characters terminated with a CR-LF > (Carriage Return - Line Feed) pair, and these messages SHALL NOT > exceed 512 characters in length, counting all characters including > the trailing CR-LF. Thus, there are 510 characters maximum allowed > for the command and its parameters. There is no provision for > continuation of message lines.
True, but the server/proxy could just collapse messages according to some criteria for non-IRC users.
I need to read the fine manual again, but I think that Matrix deals nicely with most of this.
@meow: Right. Pretty much whenever I see someone saying “why don’t you just….” someone who’s actually done it comes along and makes a custom protocol sound pretty good.
I recommend taking the entire content of the HN thread and just sort it by word to find all the options tossed around and then evaluate them intelligently in the super cool hackpad that got set up recently
two relevant threads as I'm closing out:
as for usefulness, who knows - like needles in haystacks - might be some value in there but trying to sift it out...
lots of folks say "just use IRC as the foundation" and yet nobody does it - that kind of says something right there
I'd rather come at this as "what do we want this app to do?" rather than "how can we fool ourselves into believing there is an easy solution already out there that everyone else is too stupid to see"
In February 2010, the social-networking site Facebook opened up its chat feature to third-party applications via XMPP.[14] Some functionality was unavailable through XMPP, and support was dropped in April 2014.[15]
Similarly, in December 2011, Microsoft released an XMPP interface to its Microsoft Messenger service.[16] Skype, its de facto successor, also provides limited XMPP support.[17] However, these are not native XMPP implementations.
focus on what you want the app to be capable of letting the user do and then do whatever you have to to make that work - bastardize the daylights out of some existing protocol or invent a custom one that gets the job done
by the way, since I mentioned python twisted earlier and how it was easy to create event-driven multi-protocol network apps, right?
the extension cord that you use to plug your lamp into the wall outlet is just a necessary evil
create an led light while everyone else is using florescent - don't focus on the extension cord
From my point of view it depends on what you want to create. Do you want a product you can monetize? Create slack. Do you want a thing there ppl can build upon and create infrastructure for it? Create a protocol.
@sveri: my take is that we want to focus and support the community in building a chat application for its own use to replace slack
based on that how do you see going about that? we don't want to monetize it. And we don't necessarily want people other than some team of volunteers from the clojure community to be able to build upon it.
Everything has it's advantages. building a protocol, you will get a lot of stuff for free, if it succeeds. If it doesnt, well, a lot of time has been wasted with not much outcome
what do you mean by "building a protocol" and can you give some examples of what you get for free when you do so?
Well ideally even if you build another Slack, you in effect will be designing a protocol
If you use an existing protocol, then you presumably get some sort of engine for free (like IRC for example).
@meow: XMPP for instance. People have build clients for it, servers, mobile applications and whatever I cannot think of. This is what you get for free.
I mean creating a new protocol and writing another slack are two totally different things
and the freebies come from adopting an existing protocol, not designing a new one, right?
@johanatan: Nope, I meant building a new protocol and the freebies come frome ppl building onto that protocol, but only if it for now
So I'm not convinced that because no one else seems to be seeing the easy way to combine existing techs, we can't. But also I think there's little value in that
@sveri: that may be what you meant one time but at least one other you meant something else
he probably meant that's what you would get if you created a new protocol in the same vein as XMPP - one that is successful
I think Om/Datomic would very strongly suggest a quite natural "protocol" so this is all kinda moot
I am only interested in designing a single chat application (multiple clients, of course) for use by our community to potentially replace slack
the thing could be user customizable with plugins and whatever - that doesn't matter to me
it will be perceived as the chat app that we use, even if each user modded it to look different
I think the problem with adopting a protocol is that all those freebies come with strings attached - one easy example is that they bind you to the protocol so you can't easily morph it to solve the problem in your main app because that would break all the freebies
designing a protocol for widespread use - I just don't even want to contemplate that - it is completely off the table as far as I am concerned
if it ever happened someone else could drive that effort - I don't even want to think or talk about it
Oh ya totally agree. Was just saying that there will be a "protocol" whether you design or release it. But ya it makes sense to keep it private/eligible for change
What happened to the Braid page on hackpad - I don't see it
@johanatan i meant that all the time. The response you refer to was an example of a protocol that @meow was asking for.
@meow i am just talking about different options and approaches here. Not less not more. If i had the choice i would vote for a protocol. That said i agree most ppl just want to build a chat app, which i am fine with too.
wow, lots of activity. Can we get a daily summary wiki page? 😄
I agree with @meow that we need to design for our specific needs rather than some kind of standardized, public protocol. The promises that makes to the world at large (‘Hey, we’re an open-source Slack!’ or ‘Hey, we’re IRC for the 21st century!’) will require too much dedication and work to maintain.
I also agree that IRC is the wrong backend for this. It’s too limited, hackable, destructible, etc. In my mind, there must be a reason why everyone from Slack to gitter to AOL Instant Messenger to Jabber rolled their own from the dirt rather than relying on IRC.
designing a protocol would be several orders of magnitude more work than just building one system, with a huge risk of getting it wrong in ways which are then impossible to fix.
Plus, this hypothetical protocol will still need (preferably multiple) reference implementations.
hey @meow: take a look at, might be a really nice starting point.
Yeah, having a client side database is cool and powerful and all and I love me some datascript, but it all depends on how complex the client will be. I can see distinct advantages when having a lot of interrelated and duplicated data; not sure if chat would be like that, that most problematic thing would be... I don't know... avatar or username change?
@jonahbenton: finally ty
hey @jaen can you say more? to my eyes the complexity in this problem space- what slack has solved incredibly well- comes in the need for the client to be able to catch up with what's happened on the server, both when the client has been disconnected, and when the user wants to switch contexts (rooms)- and to do so in a way that is elegantly decoupled from the UI, while being sensitive to the greatly varied client platforms on which it's running and network throughput available at the moment. to me that speaks to a dataflow architecture, with a client-local data store, synchronization between which and server can be tailored to the client and network characteristics (e.g. be able to synchronize multiple rooms on more capable clients and optimize for one room on less).
+1 for datascript, have used it recently for a few projects (with; Braid was started before that, but datascript is in the plans
@jonahbenton: sure, but as long as the messages are simple this is no harder to do with atoms IMO. It's only when the data gets complex - say, you have a user and some types of data related to that where you need to display the user as well the advantages of datascript become apparent. With plain atoms you will have a denormalised view of data and when something like "user changes the username" happens, you'd have to go and update it in all the places it is used in. With datascript this is all normalised so you have to update it only once and rely on relations to get the user.
But in general I agree that doing it the datascript is really powerful; heck, even my thesis is exactly about that.
It's just that writing it this way generically, with automatic synchronisation and such is somewhat involved and if chat would be simple enough to not benefit that much from being able to denormalise, query and simply update data
imo this is the most on fleek vision I've seen so far
@jaen sure, yeah- the empirical question is around how simple chat is, and what use cases matter for people to be able to dogfood. atoms and simple data structures are certainly fine for the case where everyone is connected and seeing updates live and on a good network. a client-side data model, likely supporting local storage, becomes more relevant for harder cases involving catchup, context switch, network blips. in either case, ensuring the ux is decoupled from the data model would be useful. what's your thesis? is it online?
@jonahbenton: Not online ATM, need to finish it first : V It's a engineering project thesis, so I'm not sure if it's all that interesting. The title is "Library for automatic synchronisation of state between a Single Page Application client and a server-side database" and it's basically what it says on the tin - I'm trying to figure out how to write a somewhat automated library to sync datascript at front with whatever at back and expose that to a reagent app with re-frame like event loop.
great topic! are you considering or basing it on any specific prior work?
Well, I've gotten the idea from reading tonksy's blogposts ~year ago when working on some project. It was supposed to be a file upload platform and I thought all these files, folders, users and such would be rather complex to handle with just update-in
. So I decided to use datascript with something inspired by re-frame to handle events. It wasn't half-bad if unpolished. So when I had to decide on thesis topic I though I could use that idea.
Not sure if was around back then (I don't think so though, at least not as publicly), but when I first heard about it I was all like "hey, that's similar to what I wanted to do" and I thought it's pretty cool, since I agreed that this way of writing applications seems really sensible.
Ok, so it must have existed in february/march, but I don't think I was aware of it yet. (or you mean November 2015 in which case I think I've seen it around somewhat earlier)
And this is precisely why I suggested folks setup a test Slack and actually try out the various IRC bridge projects rather than continuing to discuss them in the abstract!
I can't believe there have been over 500 messages since I last checked in last night!
"That's some bad bikeshed, Harry!" to misquote a well-known TV production company.
At the risk of adding yet more 'stuff people have to read' should we set up some kind of task board (Trello?) for tasks/stories for features for clojurians-chat?
This is what a MBaaS such as Firebase will give you essentially for free.
hopefully this is getting some attention:
Everything with meaningful content as of last night got moved. I didn't delete anything.
@meow: Concept in what sense?
Was going to suggest (again) but seeing it's linked there already
I should flesh this page out a bit more
Then maybe it becomes more useful in conversation
@martinklepsch: need to get you on the system asap so you can see for yourself - can we do that @rafd ?
rafd has stuff going on I know - today is not the best day, but maybe we can get the ball rolling to get you on there martin
From HN, here’s the equivalent discussion around XMPP: