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Is this a reasonable idea?
;; Defines a hiccup generating function. Adds :is-hiccup = true to response map.
(defmacro defhiccup [name body]
(let [request (gensym)]
`(defn ~name [~request]
(-> ~request
(assoc :is-hiccup true)
(assoc :body ~body)))))
;; If response map has :is-hiccup = true, convert body hiccup into html string.
(defn wrap-hiccup-body->html [handler]
(fn [request]
(let [response (handler request)
body (:body response)
response (if (:is-hiccup response)
(assoc response :body (str (hiccup/html body)))
;; For reitit
(def hiccup->html-middleware
{:name ::hiccup->html
:description "Convert hiccup responses to html"
:wrap wrap-hiccup-body->html})
(defhiccup hi-fragment
[:div "Hi"])
(hi-fragment {}) ;;=> {:is-hiccup true, :body [:div "Hi"]}