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it seems like concatted-array could just be mapcat vs. map

Michaël Salihi11:12:11

Thanks again @noisesmith, great advice! I just got rid off the concatened-array function, perfect.


We are now entering nitpick territory (this is very nice), but you could use destructuring in your parse-array function arg list to get rid of the first and rest calls and also have clearer naming inside the function


(defn parse-array [[key-list & value-lists]]....

Michaël Salihi09:12:03

Hi @U0J30HBRS! I like to go to niptick territory and I love the destructuring power, so thank you very much for this advice. 🙂 Very elegant now, perfect!

👌 3
✔️ 3

This is a nitpick as well, but I like to keep keys are strings when I get them from somewhere else. You could (group-by #(get % "id")) and avoid the keyword-isation...

Michaël Salihi14:12:27

@U883WCP5Z Yes, like this version too! Thx!

💯 3