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cross posting from #clojurescript Complete clojure/cljs newbie, bootstrapped a project with shadow-cljs to display latest artworks from behance For some reason not able to get routing working.. tried using secretary/`accountant`… maybe i’m missing something obvious(?). Also, would appreciate any feedback on coding style/structure or anything that stands out to you.


hey guys, quick help I’m trying to implement my own flatten function using only loop recur

(defn my-own-flatten [tree]
  (loop [[h & t] tree
         result []]
       (nil? h) result
       (coll? h) (recur h result)
       :else (recur t (conj result h)))))


the code is not working as expected, can you guys give me a hand ?


I’ve fixed my function what you guys think ?

(defn my-own-flatten [tree]
  (loop [[h & t] tree
         result []]
       (nil? h) result
       (coll? h) (recur t (doall (concat result (my-own-flatten h))))
       :else (recur t (doall (concat result [h]))))))