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Drew Verlee15:05:23

Whats the equivalent of clojure.reflect for clojurescript? I can console log a js object and look at its properties and methods, but is there a way to get that information in my repl?


Object.keys and all its friends. The experience will most likely be miserable compared to viewing an object via a JS console or some other tool that knows about JS objects and how they work.

👍 1
Drew Verlee16:05:02

What do you use? Js console?



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Chris McCormick18:05:24

This may not be what you're asking for but binaryage/cljs-devtools let's you console.log ClojureScript objects and get them in a nicely represented collapsible tree like a JS object.

👍 1

console.dir is also a thing - it’ll usually present a navigable object, where .log might not