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Hello guys, I'm trying to work on a desktop and tablet app as a solo developer. I'd like to achieve a very high degree of code sharing with as little compromise as possible on user experience. Based on my cursory research, I came up with two optoins: 1. cljs + Tauri on desktop, cljs + Ionic/Capacitor/(Tauri-mobile beta?) on tablet/mobile 2. cljs + Tauri on desktop, cljs + reactnative on tablet/mobile (Probably with careful design for maximal code sharing) What would you guys recommend? Anyone with experience on such setups? Any other suggestion would be appreciated too. Thanks! P.S: ◦ Performance, while important, isn't super-critical. I'd say this isn't a resource-heavy application. An option that would maximize code sharing without significant compromise on user experience is fine. ◦ I don't foresee a need for deep device integration beyond potentially accessing camera, mic, speaker etc.
@valtteri That's totally new to me. Just checking it out. Any resource/info would be appreciated
@valtteri based on everything I saw, clojuredart might be the ultimate UI nirvana 🙂 I believe REPL will make the story complete.
I am coding #C03A6GE8D32 full time, @U06Q4TRPPH6. It is indeed heaven. :om_symbol: re the REPL, FWIW, the autocompile is so fast it feels like a repl. Just save and check the console for the result, if set up with some clever CLJD/Fluttter wiring. The wiring picks up the hot reload and executes any given code on the fly. Ping me if you need the code, with the caveat that I am not the one who created it, so my grasp of how it works is sketchy. :thinking_face:
Being able to develop native-performance UI on any screen using clojure indeed sounds like heaven @U0PUGPSFR. I'm pretty new to all of this but I'll definitely be tinkering with it and will ping you for the code