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Dallas Surewood08:08:53

Is there a way to accept EDN from CLJS when making a request to the backend? I have some values that are keywords, but since these get lost on request, it sounds like I shouldn't do this if I except the frontend will consume it


is your backend sending edn? what do you use to make the request?


yes, it is easy to exchange actual EDN

Dallas Surewood08:08:32

I'll try to find where this is set on my server

Dallas Surewood08:08:02

Also I'm using cljs-http to make the requests


I have never used that library, so my help with that is limited. but I'd assume it supports EDN just fine if your server actually sends it


if the server sends JSON that is a problem

Dallas Surewood08:08:51

cljs-http certainly sends EDN fine, have not confirmed if there's an option somewhere to opt-in to receiving it


just look in the browser network devtools panel to see what you actually get


the request will have a content-type header and you should be able to look at the response itself

Dallas Surewood08:08:18

Oh yes, that is JSON. I figured if a CLJS library only accepted JSON then that's all I would get back if the server could do both

Dallas Surewood08:08:22

So I gotta read ring documentation and figure out what option I need to pass to send back EDN

Dallas Surewood08:08:12

Seems the server uses muuntaja and that expects the requester to provide a special header telling it what format to respond in. Trying to figure out where to put that


thats usually "negotiated" by the client sending an Accept header, don't know if cljs-http does that on its own though

Dallas Surewood08:08:24

No, but I just figured that out. Added the header and it changed the response. Thank you!

Dallas Surewood09:08:22

Is there a reason people prefer transit+json over edn?

Stef Coetzee09:08:13

From what I understand, Transit is more performant. Good background discussion: Separately: "edn is the best choice for human-readable data." "fressian is the highest performance option" "transit is a pragmatic midpoint between these two"

👍 2

transit+json is more performant in the browser since JSON parsing gets tons of optimization that EDN parsing simply cant get


though IMO, if you want the most convenience for the least effort, EDN is just fine… transit+json is good when you want convenience in the CLJS side w/o sacrificing as much performance as sticking with pure EDN