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I wanted to use Enfocus in my product. But it appears to be dead. I wanna bring it alive. But, first, wanna know if anyone else have done it before me? Context: dead, because of the breaking changes in the dependencies.
Hello, I picking a bit inside core.cljs and I found this in most of the main types:
(toString [coll]
(pr-str* coll))
(equiv [this other]
(-equiv this other))
;; EXPERIMENTAL: subject to change
(keys [coll]
(es6-iterator (keys coll)))
(entries [coll]
(es6-entries-iterator (seq coll)))
(values [coll]
(es6-iterator (vals coll)))
(has [coll k]
(contains? coll k))
(get [coll k not-found]
(-lookup coll k not-found))
(forEach [coll f]
(doseq [[k v] coll]
(f v k)))
does anyone knows what is the main usage of those methods?JS interop, those are standard methods on JS iterables
are they important for clj->js
by any chance?