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Hi guys. What Clojure library do you suggest I use to write tests that mock api requests?
It’s not a clojure library, but I’ve been using and been very happy with it.
Hey Steph. Please avoid cross-posting within such a short time frame. Especially if you're interested in a CLJ-only or a CLJ/CLJS library and not a CLJS-only one.
I apologize for that.
hello. can anyone help with confirming whether these two are functionally equivalent:
(ns app.relay-env
(:require ["relay-runtime" :refer [Environment, Network, RecordSource, Store]]))
(defn fetchGraphQL [text, variables]
(js/fetch (str "" {:method "POST" :headers {:content-type "application/json"} :body (.stringify js/JSON (clj->js {:query text :variables variables}))})) (.then #(.json %)))
(defn fetch-relay [params, variables]
(fetch-gql params.text variables))
(def environment
(new Environment {:network (.create Network fetch-relay) :store (new Store (new RecordSource))}))
and js
import {Environment, Network, RecordSource, Store} from 'relay-runtime';
async function fetchGraphQL(text, variables) {
const response = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
query: text,
return await response.json();
async function fetchRelay(params, variables) {
return fetchGraphQL(params.text, variables);
export default new Environment({
network: Network.create(fetchRelay),
store: new Store(new RecordSource()),
for some reason, when I use this, I get this error: `RelayModernEnvironment.js:223 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'check')
at _proto.check (RelayModernEnvironment.js:223:17)` which seems to suggest that there is at least a missing store, which may mean that I'm not instantiating store correctly(def environment
(new Environment {:network (.create Network fetch-relay) :store (new Store (new RecordSource))}))
this is passing a clojure map with keywords to the constructor. which it won't understand. so you need to pass a JS object. either by using the #js
literal, or using clj->js
(defn fetchGraphQL [text, variables]
(js/fetch (str "" {:method "POST" :headers {:content-type "application/json"} :body (.stringify js/JSON (clj->js {:query text :variables variables}))})) (.then #(.json %)))
(ns app.relay-env
(:require ["relay-runtime" :as rr]))
(defn fetch-gql [text variables]
(-> (js/fetch ""
(clj->js {:method "POST"
:headers {:content-type "application/json"}
:body (js/JSON.stringify (clj->js {:query text :variables variables}))}))
(.then #(.json %))))
(defn fetch-relay [^js params variables]
(fetch-gql (.-text params) variables))
(def environment
#js {:network (rr/Network.create fetch-relay)
:store (rr/Store. (rr/RecordSource.))}))
maybeGood day here! Is there a way to write unit tests for functions that interact with the browser? Like a function that connects Metamask. You know this type of function needs to open Metamask and allow the user to connect. SO how do I write a unit test for this type of function?
you can probably mock it. Unit test are usually run with out external dependencies. If you want to test those integrations you are more looking towards and end-to-end or integration test.
Thanks. How do I do so in E2E/integration tests?
I guess that depends on the E2E framework you are using. have a look at the docs I suggest.
If you want round-trip tests against the browser look into selenium testing with the limo clojure library (wraps the selenium java api)
Hi guys. Is there a way to make use of a Clojure library in a ClojureScript project?
Well, I dont know what exactly I want to use. But when I try to require the dependency, it throws an error.
The required namespace "ring.mock.request" is not available, it was required by "test/main_test.cljs".
"ring/mock/request.clj" was found on the
You’re trying (either directly or indirectly) to load the ring.mock.request namespace, which is in a clj file, into your ClojureScript program. That is not possible.
Alright. So do you know any library written in ClojureScript that I can use to mock and test API requests?
@U041MRNEQ7J Are you testing server code or client code?
You could try using your existing API request function but using to replace your function implentation with a fake one.
(with-redefs [http/post (fn [url] {:body "Goodbye world"})]
(is (= {:body "Goodbye world"} (http/post ""))
is a clj(s) mock/stub/spy library that you could use to stub out your API calls
if you've never implemented mocks/stubs before, I'd use a library to manage it for you instead of going the with-redefs
@U5RFD1733 - I can understand that a mocking library adds extra value, but I'm not sure someone should be put of from using with-redefs
? The example I posted above was pretty trivial and has no library dependencies and (because it is clojurescript) it doesn't even have the multi-threading gotcha of with-redefs
I am testing clientside code.
(with-redefs [http/post (fn [url] {:body "Goodbye world"})]
(is (= {:body "Goodbye world"} (http/post ""))
: which library are you using for the http? Is it ?> if you've never implemented mocks/stubs before, I'd use a library to manage it
opinions vary, but I've come to believe adding a mock library encourages more mocking. I prefer with-redefs
to make me think harder about whether mocking to make a test work is worth the big downside: it provides an opportunity for my code's behaviour to wander out from under my test, but the test keeps passing.
sometimes it's the right tool, but for me if it's often enough that I reach for a library, I try to stop and rethink my life choices.
@U045UJUEH0U - that was just an example. cljs-http is a good choice and very popular.
Hi, I'm new to Clojure and ClojureScripts. I have some basics of Clojure programming, but I need some help learning ClojureScripts (Reagent, re-frame). I'm struggling to find a good source. I hope you guys can help me find resources where I can learn by doing projects.
Well, there is
Are there any free resources?
read this two and in its order:
@U04AP46SGDU reagent is a resoanable starting point, but note that there are other options on the frontend like which gives you the full power of React Hooks in Clojure. Another option if you are new to Clojure and ClojureScript is to build a server side rendered web app just with Clojure ( + If you need additional interactivity you can layer in and in your hiccup where you need it.
I found Eric Normand's educational videos very, very helpful for getting me to a place where I could solve my own problems.
@U04AP46SGDU If you are being paid to work on a project that uses reagent, you could consider asking those paying you, if they would also pay for one of the training courses.
@U0CMVHBL2 Good idea. thanks
The basics of reagent can be learned in about a day - it has a powerful r/atom function + hiccup syntax + follows the rules of react. Re-frame attempts to create a structured framework around re-agent and decouple UI from business logic from backend. Most people learn I know learned re-frame from the documentation in the which is quite detailed.
hi, I have a go block in a cljs file, and on page refresh I get a "Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: sb__3296__auto__ is not defined". The weird thing is this code was working before (it runs js/fetch and uses the returned json to change content in the html). Any ideas what a typical reason for this might be?