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Hi guys, I have a probably dumb question. I have a js object created with the "new" constuctor and now I want to set a property of it using the "set" function. I'm creating the object like this: (def f1 (new fdn.FormData)) now I'd like to invode the "set" function with two arguments. I tried all kinds of things. My most recent attempt was: (def f2 (goog.object/set f1 "grant_type" "client_credentials")) I also tried: (def f2 (set! f1 "grant_type=client_credentials")) but this seems to replace f1 with a string "grant_type=client_credentials" Any help would be appreciated


@roseneck do you want to do f1.set("grant_type", "client_credentials") or f1.grant_type = "client_credentials";?


(.set f1 "grant_type" "client_credentials")


the . is for calling interop functions on an object. first argument is the object, the rest are the arguments


I tried that but when I run: (def f1 (new fdn.FormData)) (def f2 (.set f1 "grant_type" "client_credentials")) f2 then nil is returned


that is fine, it is mutating f1


D'oh... thank you very much!


I'd write it as

(def f1 (doto (fdn.FormData.)
          (.set "grant_type" "client_credentials")))
But having a separate .set expression works just fine.

👍 1
Oliver Marks18:07:53

any one know how to resolve this Cannot infer target type in expression (. state -key) I can not find any info on .-key or where it comes from I knwo I need to give it a hint to make the error go away just not sure what to tag it with 😕


^js state instead of state for example

Oliver Marks19:07:27

Thanks you so much for that it was my finaly infer target error, been ignoring it for a while I was convinced it would not be needed in front of state because its an reagent atom rather than a native js type

Oliver Marks19:07:55

I tried it in other places just not there, I would still like to know where .-key comes from as my google search brings up nothing and cider can't jump to it, figure if I could have found reference to it might have made sense 🙂


you mean its not in your own code?


I mean the error tells you where it is coming from? meaning it should point to the error location?

Oliver Marks19:07:43

I am using it in my code but .-key is not something I know anything about, I have seen it used to detect datascript db changes which is where I got the example, but I have no idea what its actually doing or how to find out

Oliver Marks20:07:26

this gist has an example usage but its not hinted and does not help me know what the code is doing


.-__key is just accessing the __key property on a JS object. so obj.__key


I guess you are using shadow-cljs which turns own externs inference warnings by default


whoever wrote that file probably didn't and thus didn't see the warning


you can either add the typehint or add (set! *warn-on-infer* false) after the ns form


that'll also make it shutup

Oliver Marks20:07:57

yeah the error has gone now, the .- is a gap in my knowledge I guess I googled -key but I guess .- is part of the clojurescript which I have forgotten or not come across

Oliver Marks20:07:57

okay thanks found the relavant docs on the subject its property access on the js object


I'm having a kind of embarrassing problem. I'm working with promesa on cljs for the first time and I'm really scratching my head over the question of how I can access the resolved values of promises. Considering a call like this:

(defn post [url headers data]
  (p/let [response-post (-> got (.post url (clj->js {:headers headers :json data})) .json)]
    (println (js->clj response-post :keywordize-keys true))))
I can print the response alright, but I'd actually like to return the resolved value. But how can I make this work? The only way to do it is to reset! an atom, but that can't be right, can it?


JS is mostly async when it comes to this sort of stuff


and you simply cannot access async results in a sync fashion


so that is something you need to get used to when developing CLJS/JS apps 🙂