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I am trying to render the material-ui Vertical Tabs snippet into clojurescript and I am wondering about the correct way to do the prop-types
TabPanel.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node,
index: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
value: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
Is it a with-meta
thing sort of like
(ns verticaltabs
[prop-types :as PropTypes]
(def TabPanel
(fn [{:keys [value index] :as props} & children]
(let [displayed (= value index)]
[:div {:role "tabpanel"
:hidden (not displayed)
:id (str "vertical-tabpanel-" index)
:aria-labelledby (str "vertical-tab-" index)}]
(when displayed
[:> Box {:sx #js{:p 3}}
[:> Typography children]])))
{:propTypes #js {:index (. (. PropTypes -node) -isRequired)
:value (. (. PropTypes -node) -isRequired)
:children (. PropTypes -node)}}))
is there a better way?I understand its a nice-to-have rather than a must
however, it looks like you're using reagent. reagent has a special way of storing it's arguments in React props.
and how would you do that when your component is a function?
using UIx, but very similiar I think
if you inspect your component using react devtools, you can see how props get passed to your component
oh I hadn't thought of that
e.g. for reagent it stores all the arguments in [my-component foo bar baz]
in a single argv
and wraps your function in a special wrapper component that will pull out the argv
prop and then call your function with it
so what I would like to think of as props will always be found in the cljs map at index 1 of the vector (.-argv props) and since react/js PropType does not support an XPath type syntax to point at the specfic keys its a non-starter
and perhaps its not so very useful anywa
that makes sense