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Just to pitch in about bundle size — I think it doesn't matter at all. It's one of those "common knowledge" things that get repeated over the years long after they stopped being relevant, just like "use a CDN because the user will have a cached copy of <whateverlib.js>". These days the costs of a larger bundle are insignificant. As a practical example, my app is just around 3MB JavaScript right now, which usually gets shipped as a 570kB brotli-precompressed file, standard gzip gets this down to about 740kB. That's less than a single photo on most sites. None of my paying users care about bundle size, and no one would notice if it increased even by 50%. A far more important reason for limiting the use of libraries is long-term maintenance: I am actively trying to remove dependencies, rather than add them, because unfortunately many Clojure/ClojureScript libraries are getting abandoned after a year or two. I am sponsoring devs in various ways, but I wish we had a better approach to long-term maintenance.


this is totally dependent on what business you're in. if your $ depend on how fast your page loads on a spotty cell connection, then bundle size can be very important. if you're working on a desktop enterprise SPA (like me), much less so


working in marketing & consumer spaces, I've seen what happens in aggregate when a person tries to load your page and it takes an extra second or two


Agreed — I just implicitly assumed that if someone is using ClojureScript, it is for a complex app.

Mícheál Ó Catháin13:04:00

Hi apologies in advance for the basic question! I'm trying to use npm module nodemailer. I expect I'm making some basic errors, and would appreciate a steer! My dev.edn looks like this:

^{:watch-dirs ["test" "src"] 
  :css-dirs ["resources/public/css"]                                 
  :auto-testing true                                                 
{:main simplyonmyway.node-test-2                                     
 :install-deps true                                                  
 :npm-deps {:nodemailer "6.7.3"}} 

Mícheál Ó Catháin13:04:40

I require nodemailer in main namespace as follows

(ns ^:figwheel-hooks simplyonmyway.node-test-2 
  [goog.dom :as gdom]                                              
However this throws error in REPL: #object[Error Error: goog.require could not find: nodemailer]


hello! Is there something similar to clojure.reflect in clojurescript? Let's say you want to figure out the properties and methods of js/process how do you do it?


I'm not sure what the need is? you can console.log or iterate over the properties of js/process using interop

erre lin16:04:55

Hello, I'm learning ClojureScript. Got a bit surprised and confused about hiccup syntax. For example, I have a simple form element and it contains an input field which allows users to type in plain text.

 {:type "text",
 :id "my-text"}]
I'm surprised to find that :type "text" can also be written as :type :text , the same works for :id :my-text too. But I failed to find any explanation about this. Or maybe I missed some important information? I just want to know why in the (optional) map structure, I can also use keywords for the value of an attribute? Thank you


If you have a specific question, assuming you're learning about Reagent specifically, there's #reagent


What are you confused about?

erre lin16:04:25

Sorry. I tend to use "Enter" for "newline", but forgot that in Slack that should be "Ctrl+Enter". 😅 I have edited my question. I'm confused about the map in hiccup. More specifically, should I use :keyword or "keyword" in the map for the value of an attribute? Both work, but I'm wondering if there is a preference or difference? Thank you

😆 1

:a-b gets turned into aB, unless it's a data attribute. If it's within :style, it's not changed. "a-b" gets passed as-is, without any modifications. In general, keywords are much more common.


use strings as the value, that is what they get converted to anyways as the DOM only accepts strings for most attributes

👍 1

@U2FRKM4TW the question was about the value, not the key.


Ah, I misinterpreted it, thanks. I tend to use keywords when it's something very specific that I would identify semantically as a keyword. And I use strings otherwise.

👍 1
erre lin16:04:22

Thanks for your explanation. I prefer keywords too. I'm confused because I read the (reagent doc) and it all seems to be using strings for attributes' values. But when I read, the code becomes:

(defn checkbox [name checked?]
  [:input {:type :checkbox
           :checked (boolean checked?)
           :name name}]) 
It is :type :checkbox not :type "checkbox" . And in Chapter 4 of Web Development with Clojure, the author also used :attr :value rather than :attr "value" . So I'm a bit confused which way should I stick to, although both seem to have the same result.


I'd personally always use :type "checkbox" and haven't used a keyword as the value for a hiccup attribute ever

👏 1

the boolean is sort of a special case since that is the way to represent <div some-attribute>. ie. an attribute without a value in the dom


eg. <input type="checkbox" checked>


In :type :checkbox I use keywords, in :value "value" I use strings. :)

👍 1
erre lin17:04:10

Thank you both!🤓 Very helpful! I now know both are correct. Since @U05224H0W suggests that the value will be converted to strings anyway, I think I will keep using strings, as shown in reagent's doc.