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Can anyone help me how do I edit form with default values using re-frame

David Vujic08:09:19

I think you could populate the value conditionally with a default:

:value (or @value "hello World")

David Vujic08:09:59

Alternatively, pre-populate the re-frame db according to the form ids. Or am I misunderstanding your question?


@U018VMC8T0W okay so if I go with the first one it will be able to track my changes when I am editing the form ?

👍 2

I want use the same form but I will use it to update details

David Vujic11:09:31

I think you can give it a try! 😄


(defn text-input [id label] (let [value (re-frame/subscribe [::subs/form id])] [:div.field [:label.label label] [:div.control [:input.input {:value @value :on-change #(re-frame/dispatch [::events/update-form id (-> % .-target .-value)]) :type "text" :placeholder "Text input"}]]]))

Bryce Tichit15:09:25

Hello, What is your way of passing env variables down to CLJS and JS code? Ideally I'd like to set them up so I can acces them using process.env I searched a lot of the internet without finding a good solution that would allow javascript and clojurescript code to access env variables Thanks a lot for the help 😛

Bryce Tichit15:09:03

Options I checked out already, 1. Inline environement variables with babel in the final JS, this could work but not the best since Closure redefine process.env to global.env looks like 2. Closure-define: Looks good but I did not understand how to access the variables from pure JS code 3. Using dotenv npm module, this would be the best but I didn't manage to make it work in CLJS code


which platform are you targetting? browser or node?

Bryce Tichit15:09:20

I'm targetting browser

Bryce Tichit15:09:36

Maybe I did not understand everything and process.env is specific to node?


yes, process.env belongs to node


someone just wrote a plugin for webpack/babel that allows you to reference them at build time

Bryce Tichit15:09:36

Amazing do you have the github url?


no clue, they are pretty common though. I wouldn't recommend using them for CLJS anyways

Bryce Tichit15:09:01

What's your recommandation for passing env vars to the runtime then?


what is your intent with those? just something that should be inlined at build time?

Bryce Tichit15:09:29

Yes inlined at build time is enough

Bryce Tichit15:09:47

Which is why babel could do the job but I was thinking about something cleaner if that exists


then use closure-defines

Bryce Tichit15:09:04

How can i access variables defined like this from pure JS code?


define pure js code? meaning how is it intergrated into the build?

Bryce Tichit15:09:37

I have CLJS and JS code in my codebase, shadow-cljs will bundle all of them in 1 JS. The JS code must read the environement variable

Bryce Tichit15:09:01

Would be really good if my JS codebase could access variable defined using closure-define


so the CLJS code does (:require ["./foo.js" :as foo]) or so?


ok, so in your CLJS ns create a regular goog-define as described here


ah no wait your JS code was babel transpiled JSX right?

Bryce Tichit15:09:04

Haha good memory yes it is

Bryce Tichit15:09:10

Are you suggesting to inline the env at this moment?

Bryce Tichit15:09:16

Not a bad idea


yeah normally you could access the CLJS code from JS


but the babel transpiled commonjs can't

Bryce Tichit15:09:01

Oh really did not know that


at least not directly


well with ESM you could do import { THAT_GOOG_DEFINE } from "goog:that.cljs.namespace"


unfortunately that doesn't work with commonjs

Bryce Tichit15:09:58

Ok I see makes sense

Bryce Tichit15:09:03

So my JS cannot access CLJS

Bryce Tichit15:09:24

Means that I have only 2 options 1. Using dotenv from npm 2. inline env variable with babel

Bryce Tichit15:09:46

In the end my env vars are just a map, should not be so hard to pass it to both JS and CLJS


it can access it, just not in a nice way 😛

Bryce Tichit15:09:40

I will check that out, thanks for the help ! 😄


after the goog-define you can do (js/goog.exportSymbol "MY_ENV_VAR" the-define)


and then just access the MY_ENV_VAR in the JS code


not sure that actually works but it might

Bryce Tichit15:09:15

Looks very hacky If I may say


environment variables to control build stuff suck 😛


environment variables to be used at actual runtime are fine

Bryce Tichit15:09:00

i just want to pass the url of my database with env vars and others public keys used to interact with other services

Bryce Tichit15:09:06

It's completely runtime nop?


so this isn't actually build configuration


this is runtime configuration?

Bryce Tichit15:09:35

Haha sorry If I confused you but yes


I keep this stuff in my HTML always

Bryce Tichit15:09:01

But you have a tool that insert it in your HTML?


eg. <script>var MY_CONFIG = {js: "data"};</script>


and then from CLJS just use js/MY_CONFIG or from JS


I have servers that generate my HTML so yeah 😛

Bryce Tichit15:09:08

Ok very nice I'm interested

Bryce Tichit15:09:16

I will go the generated index.html approach 😛


can also be a html meta attribute or so

Bryce Tichit15:09:39

It's true that it's cleaner like this


yeah, lets you change this stuff at actual runtime and doesn't require rebuilding your code 😛

Bryce Tichit15:09:51

I need to get fluent on shadow-cljs build hook ASAP so I can implement all of these routine, could you recommend me the best ressource to build one? Thanks a lot for the help !


don't start with a build hook. write a function. call the function from the REPL or command line


as a separate command


then if you really really want to and don't like that solution write a build hook using that actual function

Bryce Tichit15:09:59

Makes sense thanks


build-hooks are generally overused. if your hook would run after the build completes it most likely shouldn't be a hook 😛

Bryce Tichit15:09:05

This hook looks perfect to build html


yep, good example of something that shouldn't be a hook 😛

Bryce Tichit15:09:38

But in the end it makes sense that I want to customize the compilation by asking for a specific index.html nope?

Bryce Tichit15:09:52

If the build hook is not the solution if there something that makes more sense?

Bryce Tichit15:09:01

Faster than his shadow


shadow-cljs run your.function/generate-index input.html somewhere/output.html


or deps.edn or lein if you use those


you can use a hook, just saying that it is much much simpler without


and you have perfect control over when it runs and what it does

👍 2
Bryce Tichit15:09:22

All of this is amazing, thanks 😍 Last thing if my build command is actually npx shadow-cljs release app && shadow-cljs run ... && shadow-cljs run ... do you have a way of specify the workflow in the config file or it would become a hook? haha


don't do the && 😛


see the clj-run example in the link above


just call (shadow/release! :my-app) (generate-my-html) in your code (instead of the rsync from the example)

Bryce Tichit15:09:29

Ok I did not get it at 100% but will work at it, thanks a lot for all the good work on shadow-cljs this tool is amazing 😄

Bryce Tichit15:09:45

did not get it but looks very good for sure


remember. all you are writing is a clojure function. you can make that do whatever you want 🙂

Bryce Tichit15:09:16

but this shadow/release would be called from the init function?

Bryce Tichit15:09:29

Trivial answer I think but don't get it


no, this is a clojure function


it is not in your build config whatsoever


so you create that function. and then instead of shadow-cljs release app you run shadow-cljs run your.release/function

Bryce Tichit15:09:20

I run one function that would call all the shadow/release


so you create a release build and then generate your html and whatever else you may need


all from the comfort of your clojure function 🙂

Bryce Tichit15:09:39

perfect and I can even read from a .env file and inject it into the html

Bryce Tichit15:09:47

Just added to the todo I will do it tomorrow 🙂


eg. the (shadow/release :app) in the example is identical to running shadow-cljs release app

💪 2
Bryce Tichit15:09:02

ClojureScript and its ecosystem are just too good, it's hard to believe I just discovered it after 8 years of software engineering


although you may want to use (shadow/release! :app), so the code throws an exception if the compilation fails for some reason. easy to miss errors otherwise

Bryce Tichit15:09:12

Roger that will use shadow/release! :app


release also prints the error, just doesn't throw. so your function will continue to run which may or may not work depending on what it does 🙂

Bryce Tichit15:09:13

Obviously if the compiling fails we'd like to throw an error !

Bryce Tichit15:09:53

Thanks will use this thread as a doc to implement it tomorrow 🚀

👍 2

I'm writing a macro that needs to inspect forms that contain #js tagged literals


for some reason this fails tho:

shadow.user> cljs.tagged-literals/JSValue
Syntax error compiling at (*cider-repl Code/helix:localhost:8777(clj)*:0:0).
No such var: cljs.tagged-literals/JSValue


:thinking_face: why would the constructor exist but the type not

shadow.user> (ns-publics 'cljs.tagged-literals)
{read-uuid #'cljs.tagged-literals/read-uuid,
 valid-js-literal-key? #'cljs.tagged-literals/valid-js-literal-key?,
 read-inst #'cljs.tagged-literals/read-inst,
 read-queue #'cljs.tagged-literals/read-queue,
 *cljs-data-readers* #'cljs.tagged-literals/*cljs-data-readers*,
 ->JSValue #'cljs.tagged-literals/->JSValue,
 read-js #'cljs.tagged-literals/read-js}


I guess I can do this?

         (= (type x) (cljs.tagged-literals/->JSValue []))
         (doto (.-val x) prn)


Because JSValue is a Java class:

Clojure 1.10.3
user=> (defrecord X [])
user=> (ns new-ns)
new-ns=> user.X
new-ns=> user/X
Syntax error compiling at (REPL:0:0).
No such var: user/X
new-ns=> user/->X
#object[user$eval137$__GT_X__149 0x62e7dffa "user$eval137$__GT_X__149@62e7dffa"]


(= (type x) (cljs.tagged-literals/->JSValue [])) is wrong - you gotta wrap the second argument with type as well.


Or you can use cljs.tagged_literals.JSValue. Note _ instead of - and . instead of /.


Better use it with :import in the ns form, of course.

Timofey Sitnikov22:09:40

Hello All, I am pulling my hair out over something probably super simple. I have a Material UI icon, I just need to make it green. Material UI provides this example:

<Avatar className={}>
  <AssignmentIcon />
So in my code I try to do this:
(mui/avatar {:variant   "rounded"
             :className ""}
(mui/typography {} "Email Is Verified"))
The mui/avatar is defined like this: (def avatar (interop/react-factory core/Avatar)). When the image gets rendered, this is the browser HTML I get:
<div class="MuiAvatar-root MuiAvatar-rounded MuiAvatar-colorDefault"><svg class="MuiSvgIcon-root" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M9 16.2L4.8 12l-1.4 1.4L9 19 21 7l-1.4-1.4L9 16.2z"></path></svg></div>
Is there a different way to specify the class so that Material UI knows to make it green?


can you link to the example? I suspect that isn't "" but is an import and the .green property is accessed


if you expand the code snippet (the first button above the snippet) you see

export default function LetterAvatars() {
  const classes = useStyles();

  return (
    <div className={classes.root}>
      <Avatar className={}>N</Avatar>
      <Avatar className={classes.purple}>OP</Avatar>

Timofey Sitnikov00:09:56

@U11BV7MTK, I guess this is what I am struggling with, how do you pass className={} to the react? I tried every possible way, :className "" does not seem to work.


You passed a string. It’s a JavaScript object

Timofey Sitnikov00:09:48

so passing :className "" should work?


no. that is a string


it is making a javascript object


root: {
    display: 'flex',
    '& > *': {
      margin: theme.spacing(1),
  pink: {
    color: theme.palette.getContrastText(pink[500]),
    backgroundColor: pink[500],
  green: {
    color: '#fff',
    backgroundColor: green[500],
and then refers to that object

Timofey Sitnikov00:09:20

so I have to define interop for the class, correct?

Timofey Sitnikov00:09:37

OK, that makes sense, when I look at the example browser html, it shows style .jss278 like so

Timofey Sitnikov00:09:35

I guess the question is how do you call it the JS object from CLJS?


First of all, it's not "calling a JS object", it's just passing it. If you see a.b in JS, it will be (.-b a) in CLJS, maybe with ^js before the definition/usage of a, depending on the context - more info here: In this particular case, will become (.-green classes), and you would need to use ^js classes where you define classes. Or just use (.-green ^js classes). And you just pass it to the component in question:

[:> Avatar {:class-name (.-orange classes)}
But only if life were that easy. The problem is that useStyles that creates classes is a hook. And for hooks to work in Reagent, you have to jump through some hookps. Or switch this particular Material UI styling approach to a different one. If you want to use that approach with hooks, you should read this: And alternative styling approaches should be described in the Material UI documentation. An alternative-alternative approach is to use an existing wrapper. is a pretty good one because it defines each component in a separate namespace, caring about your bundle size. It also has an example in the repo where they show one styling approach.

metal 2
David Vujic09:09:27

Material-UI v4 relies heavily on Hooks to add styling in a component. The reagent-material-ui ClojureScript library helps a lot with the interop and how to create hooks. There’s a styles/make-styles function there that makes life as a ClojureScript developer a lot easier. The reagent components need to use the functional style, i.e. [:f> my-component] to be able to use Hooks. Material-UI v5 (beta) has simplified the styling a lot, with the sx arg. That also simplifies styling via ClojureScript a whole lot. Here’s an example, using Material-UI v5, reagent-material-ui in ClojureScript:

David Vujic09:09:09

To add a background-color, I think this would be a way (using Material-UI v5 and reagent-material-ui):

[avatar {:sx 
           {:width   56
            :height  56
            :bgcolor "green"}}
        "Hello World"]