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that is the only way - and all ClojureScript types are mapped directly to JavaScript types - so it shouldn't be that tricky
all serious profiling of ClojureScript and it's libraries was done w/ Chrome Dev Tools - they are adequate IMO
question about async
and with-redefs
in clojurescript: is it possible to use both?
(def a 1)
(def b 2)
(deftest testing-async
(testing "async testing"
(with-redefs [a 5 b 4]
(async done
(-> (js/Promise.resolve 1)
(.then #(is (= 10 (+ a b %))))
(.finally done))))))
☝️ this failsI wrote this macro to use with async tests:
(defmacro with-reset
"Like cljs.core/with-redefs, but bindings persist until the `reset` fn is
called, allowing bindings to be used in async contexts."
[reset bindings & body]
;; code adapted from
(let [names (take-nth 2 bindings)
vals (take-nth 2 (drop 1 bindings))
orig-val-syms (map (comp gensym #(str % "-orig-val__") name) names)
temp-val-syms (map (comp gensym #(str % "-temp-val__") name) names)
binds (map vector names temp-val-syms)
redefs (reverse (map vector names orig-val-syms))
bind-value (fn [[k v]] (list 'set! k v))]
`(let [~@(interleave orig-val-syms names)
~@(interleave temp-val-syms vals)
~reset #(do ~@(map bind-value redefs))]
~@(map bind-value binds)
using it with your code:
(def a 1)
(def b 2)
(deftest testing-async
(testing "async testing"
(with-reset reset [a 5 b 4]
(async done
(-> (js/Promise.resolve 1)
(.then #(is (= 10 (+ a b %))))
(.finally (fn [] (reset) (done))))))))
looks good! thanks!
Are there any good websocket sample projects (ideally with re-frame) with client AND server code?
Can't really speak for how good the examples are, but you can find a lot of them by using GitHub search. E.g. for Sente and re-frame: Or you can search for just WebSocket and re-frame. Overall, I would recommend just reading the documentation of a library/API you want to use, checking out some trivial examples (don't have to be in Clojure), making a tiny barebone example on your own, and going from there.
Ah, alright. I understood you mentioning re-frame as if you wanted to find some code to copy-paste.
Perhaps useful, although I haven't used it myself:
If you haven’t seen these already, here’s some examples using the sente lib: