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Hi, is it possible to mix ClojureScript and JavaScript in single project and compile them to a single .js file?
The customer told us they can't write cljs and we are considering js plugins for them.
cool, found a experimental feature in shadow-cljs
you have two options: use the ES Modules format or google closure module format, the advantage of using gclosure module format, is that is 100% transparent to cljs and you can (:require it like any other cljs namespace
this is an example usin ES module, we integrate with draft editor here and prefer doing it on JS, we just import it using the ["./text_editor_impl.js" :as impl]
the second format works in both shadow-cljs and regular cljs compiler, the first one (ES module format) is shadow-cljs only I think this is kind of clever, and something we could do in Clojure(Script) too
reading the source, it's a library that allows you to write a SQL query in your source, and at compile time will generate a hash for the client and a lookup on the server side for that hash
With macros, it should be possible to do that with anything, not just SQL queries. But I'm not sure if it's a good thing to do - both for SQL and for any other things.
If you don't find anything specifically for CLJS, you can search for a JS library and just use it via interop.
yes, i found this lib,, but i don't know how to interop this in cljs
(let [workbook (Excel/Workbook.)
file (.-xlsx workbook)]
(.then (js/Promise.resolve (.readFile file "/Users/vinurs/Downloads/test.xlsx"))
(let [worksheet (. % getWorksheet 1)]
(prn worksheet)
(. worksheet eachRow (fn [row rownumber]
(prn row)))
like this ?
(let [workbook (Excel/Workbook.)
file (.-xlsx workbook)]
(.then (.readFile file "/Users/vinurs/Downloads/test.xlsx")
(let [worksheet (. % getWorksheet 1)]
(prn worksheet)
(prn (. worksheet getRow 1))
;; const row = worksheet.getRow(5);
;; (. worksheet eachRow (fn [row rownumber]
;; (prn row)))
Ah, and wrap
Actually, that's not needed. I never use eachRow
in ()
along with the function itself..
so I don't remember its syntax.
(let [workbook (Excel/Workbook.)
file (.-xlsx workbook)]
(.then (.readFile file "/Users/vinurs/Downloads/test.xlsx")
(let [worksheet (. % getWorksheet 1)]
(prn worksheet)
(prn (. worksheet getRow 1))
(. worksheet (eachRow (fn [row rownumber]
(prn row))))
No idea, I would try coming up with a JS example first for that particular spreadsheet. Then I'd try debugging.
(let [workbook (Excel/Workbook.)
file (.-xlsx workbook)]
(.then (.readFile file "/Users/vinurs/Downloads/test.xlsx")
(prn "hello ")
;; (let [worksheet (. % getWorksheet 1)]
;; ;; (prn worksheet)
;; ;; (prn (. worksheet getRow 1))
;; ;; (. worksheet (eachRow (fn [row rownumber]
;; ;; (prn row))))
;; )
Evaluate this:
(let [p (js/Promise. (fn [resolve _] (js/setTimeout #(resolve "hello") 500)))]
(.then p js/console.log))
Does it output "hello"
?Your REPL setup doesn't catch print statement in async functions, that's it. Maybe asking in #shadow-cljs will help.
I'm building a react native app using shadow-cljs, expo, re-frame, reagent. Struggling a little bit to make react-navigation work properly, and I was wondering if anyone can point me to best practices on how to implement it in the most idiomatic clojure way?
I recall something called secretary ..
Thank you! Unfortunately I don't think that works with react native, but found a solution here: