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hey guys, how do I make figwheel auto-testing work in my lein figwheel project? I am getting this error from project.cli
and was following this guide
63 :css-dirs ["resources/public/css"] ;; watch and update CSS
64 :auto-testing true
^--- The key :auto-testing is unrecognized
looks like that in lein-figwheel (that I thought was the same as figwheel) they took away the option….
lein-figwheel is I think properly deprecated? or at least, figwheel-main (which I think are docs for) is the latest version
I got this bundling stuff working with figwheel-main, and :target :bundle , so now I’m ready I think to use an npm library, but not sure how to include this
should I also use :exclusions [cljsjs/react cljsjs/react-dom] and use those in my package.json? Do i also have to (:require [react] [react-dom]) then
hello, can someone point me in the direction of how can i better customize a semantic-ui-react Dropdown component (especially the options/children ?! ) ? • i want an right-positioned "delete icon" for each option, so far the icon is by-default in the left-side of the "text" prop; Thanks.
(let [opt [{:value "apples" :text "Apples" :icon "delete"])}
{:value "oranges" :text "Oranges"}
{:value "grapes" :text "Grapes"}]]
[:> ui/Dropdown
{:fluid true
:selection true
:search true
:allow-additions true
:options opt
I would like to have:It's not really a ClojureScript question. But the API docs at mention renderLabel
Thanks. it also mentioned that "Only applies to multiple
Well, it's something you'd have to take up with the guys behind semantic-ui-react
, because CLJS cannot do anything about it.
thank you
Hello, I had a probably-terrible idea, but if it works it might make something terrible I have to do every day, less terrible. Summary: mathpunk wants to figure out if it's feasible or desirable to sneak a repl into selenium-webdriver's executeAsyncScript function, to turn errors while running protractor scripts into data and generally power up the end-to-end tests we write. Details: <thread>
If I understand right, code gets into the browser right around here
so I'm asking: Is there a way that I could use a repl to like.... I dunno, • pause the script to examine errors • parse error data into something more meaningful, since I know a lot about the application and what could be going wrong as the app code drifts from the test code and I gotta go figure out what happened • recover from common errors
I find that when I have a repl, I learn very quickly about what is truly going on. So my intuition tells me that if it is possible to drop a repl into webdriver, it might empower me to make our testing pipeline a whole lot better
This isn't exactly the answer you were looking for, but if you want to find a way to sneak a REPL into any webpage:
So... I'm curious about this code from cljs.core
(defn ^number *
"Returns the product of nums. (*) returns 1."
([] 1)
([x] x)
([x y] (cljs.core/* x y))
([x y & more] (reduce * (cljs.core/* x y) more)))
Seems... infinitely recursive.Is it a protocol kinda thing or a dispatch somehow?
confusing but
(core/defmacro ^::ana/numeric *
([] 1)
([x] (core/list 'js* "(~{})" x))
([x y] (core/list 'js* "(~{} * ~{})" x y))
([x y & more] `(* (* ~x ~y) ~@more)))
is the Clojure namespace
🙏 thank you