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Has anyone run into problems using node mjs files on Clojure Script?
I keep hitting this ecma6 import vs require... And I feel like I keep crashing into a wall
ok, heads up… there’s an issue with the latest node 14, typescript, not recognizing .ts files when you enable Ecma6 modules… I have the intuition this will affect clojurescript being able to load npm modules, until they fix it…
so don’t get your hopes up about using the latest node version, ts, and ecma6 together
Quick tip for new users of the :target :bundle
feature: Some JS libraries may require certain objects to be available in global scope. Some CLJSJS libs have done that for you. With bundle target, depending only on package.json
you no longer get globals. You can solve that with the following webpack config, where reactstrap
is a plain NPM module from your package.json
. It makes the global GlobalReactstrap
available to all other modules.
const webpack = require('webpack');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
GlobalReactstrap: 'reactstrap'
How define new var in library. In clojure I would do:
(in-ns 'some-library)
(def new-symbol-in-library "X")
, but in clojurescript for obvious reasons is not possibleOk good to know
Hello, mongodb can run javascript code for map reduce,or in filter using javascript using $where, is it possible to use Clojurescript instead? thank you
So I have a custom literal tag defined in a data_readers.cljc:
lstr ont-app.vocabulary.lstr/read-LangStr
Said function works like this:
> (def x (read-LangStr "gaol@en-GB"))
> x
#lstr "gaol@en-GB"
> (type x)
The read-LangStr function itself works fine in both clj and cljs.
The tag always works in clj.
However, under certain circumstances the cljs reader will barf on #lstr with
this message:
Attempting to call unbound fn: #'ont-app.vocabulary.lstr/read-LangStr
As I understand it, this means that the cljs.reader/tag-table
somehow registers the association between the tag and the function,
but at some critical point in the compilation process, that function
is pointing at a bunch of nothing.
This problem arises when I try to write a test function in the
vocabulary library that uses the tag directly. I can fix it if I use
cljs.reader/read-string on the string equivalent. It also goes away
when I read the tag in a test within in a module that uses the vocabulary library
as a dependency.
It also arises when I use say rhino-repl.
Can someone help me wrap my head around what's going on here? need to ensure that the ont-app.vocabulary.lstr
namespace is loaded before whatever namespace that uses the reader tag
I'm including this namespace in the require section of the testing module, and requiring it in the repls. Is that not enough?
the requires are pulled in in order, so the one asking for the implementation of the tag must be before all the ones that use it
alternatively, you could require the implementation ns for the reader function in every ns that uses that tag
I thought I was doing that. My require within my test module contains [ont-app.vocabulary.lstr].
Is there a way in lein/cljsbuild to specify that the lstr module is fully loaded before evaluating the data_readers.cljc file?
clojure never does parallel loading
well, I guess you could do something weird and force it to, but it won't do it via normal require forms
the next require never happens until the previous succeeds
it’s hard for us to infer exactly what you mean by
> my require within my test module
the idea is that in your dependency graph, ont-app.vocabulary.lstr
must be loaded before any code that uses it
so if you do e.g.:
(ns module.a
(:require [ont-app.vocabulary.lstr]
(ns module.b)
#lstr "foo"
you do not have a guarantee that module.b
will be loaded after ont-app.vocabulary.lstr
. your graph essentially looks like:
this directly contradicts what I thought I knew about require
do you have citation that there's some parallel path?
what I mean is that require processes args in order, and to completion, so the args do impose ordering
yes, that's true... I must have misread
oh, I find that surprising
the clj
version literally processes the clauses via doseq
without any parallelization, and I am failing to find a precise source but I recall someone saying that parallel require was an unlikely feature
oh, right - I don't know as much about cljs, and I can see how the phases (and the model of compiling namespaces "in isolation") would break assumptions that work in clj
because of course, if shadow-cljs supports hot-reloading, it will load an ns standalone and I can't make many assumptions about what other cljs code has been loaded in the context where that happens
No, the problem is happening here:
(ns ont-app.vocabulary.core-test
[ont-app.vocabulary.lstr :as lstr]
(test yadda yadda #lstr "blah@en")
A 'fix' is
(read-string "#lstr \"asdf@en\"")]
where read-string is cljs.reader/read-string
So it appears that the tag-table that informs the execution env uses a tag table with fully resolved function, but the compiler of the source only knows about the mapping, but not the definition of the function.
@eric.d.scott Not sure if this helps, but if I'm understanding you, I've solved that problem in this example by using -i
to cause the definitions to be available to the ClojureScript compiler before the compiler runs: (see the use of clj -i
Am I correct in the impression that I'd need to switch from lein to deps to do this?
Thanks @mfikes, I'll poke around a bit with this idea.
What's the meaning of this error?:
router.cljc:204 Uncaught Error: [object Promise] is not ISeqable
at Object.cljs$core$seq [as seq] (core.cljs:1226)
at re_frame$fx$do_fx_after (fx.cljc:74)
at Object.re_frame$interceptor$invoke_interceptor_fn [as invoke_interceptor_fn] (interceptor.cljc:71)
at Object.re_frame$interceptor$invoke_interceptors [as invoke_interceptors] (interceptor.cljc:109)
at Object.re_frame$interceptor$execute [as execute] (interceptor.cljc:204)
at Object.re_frame$events$handle [as handle] (events.cljc:65)
at Object.eval [as re_frame$router$IEventQueue$_process_1st_event_in_queue$arity$1] (router.cljc:179)
at Object.eval [as re_frame$router$IEventQueue$_run_queue$arity$1] (router.cljc:198)
at eval (router.cljc:146)
at Object.eval [as re_frame$router$IEventQueue$_fsm_trigger$arity$3] (router.cljc:169)
happening for these lines:
(let [create-token (.createToken stripe card-element)]
(.then create-token
(fn [result]
(prn "result is" (.-token result)))))
I see you are using re-frame, if these lines are inside an event handler, for example, you are returning a Promise to re-frame
that could be the cause of the error
the code you posted, is it inside a re-frame event handler?
you could return a {}
and the error will probably go away
(let [create-token (.createToken stripe card-element)]
(.then create-token
(fn [result]
(prn "result is" (.-token result))))
{} ;; <- here
still giving me:
scheduler.development.js:108 Uncaught TypeError: lastCallbackNode is not a function
at flushFirstCallback (scheduler.development.js:108)
at flushWork (scheduler.development.js:220)
at MessagePort.globalValue.port1.onmessage (scheduler.development.js:612)
flushFirstCallback @ scheduler.development.js:108
flushWork @ scheduler.development.js:220
globalValue.port1.onmessage @ scheduler.development.js:612
I think you put the {}
as an argument to .then
, didn’t you?
it should be the last expression of let
( re-frame.core/reg-event-fx
( clojure.core/fn
[ { :keys [ db ] } [ ___68384__auto__ stripe card-element ] ] ( prn "setting stripe token" ) ( let [ create-token ( .createToken stripe card-element ) ] ( prn "create token is " create-token ) ( .then create-token ( fn [ result ] ( prn "result is" ( .-token result ) ) ) ) {} ) ) )
alternatively you can return the same db or coeffects you received as parameters
the code you posted last still doesn’t work?
what does this error mean:
react-dom.development.js:11366 Uncaught TypeError: lastCallbackNode is not a function
at flushFirstCallback (scheduler.development.js:108)
at flushImmediateWork (scheduler.development.js:170)
at exports.unstable_runWithPriority (scheduler.development.js:262)
at runWithPriority$2 (react-dom.development.js:11306)
at flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl (react-dom.development.js:11350)
at flushSyncCallbackQueue (react-dom.development.js:11339)
at scheduleWork (react-dom.development.js:21432)
at Object.enqueueForceUpdate (react-dom.development.js:13146)
at cmp.Component.forceUpdate (react.development.js:354)
at Object.reagent$impl$batching$run_queue [as run_queue] (batching.cljs:38)
you are passing something that is not a function to something that expects a function
so something you passed to reagent at some point I guess. if you use chrome you can use "pause on uncaught exception" and look at the value in lastCallbackNode
. maybe that has a clue for what you passed.
@thheller that lands me to:
try {
continuationCallback = callback();
} finally {
currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel;
currentExpirationTime = previousExpirationTime;
in scheduler.development.jsRemember that on-click properties of reagent components want an anonymous function. To make an anonymous function you need to do like this: :on-click #(my-function) OR :on-click (fn [] my-function)
yeah that's what I have in reality. Regular :div works but :>div needs re-focus or click in the browser