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Hi everyone! Quick question. I'm trying to compile my project as an uberjar and it's failing to build because it can't find a foreign lib however, the project runs fine with lein figwheel. I feel like I'm missing a basic step here. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance!


I believe I've solved the issue. You have to include :foriegn-libs within :uberjar and this results in a successful build.

👍 8

How can I launch ClojureScript compiler in command line so I can compile a binary to run on Node?


You might get the best response in #shadow-cljs

Roman Liutikov11:02:28

Clojure CLI itself is is enough clj -m cljs.main --help

Roman Liutikov11:02:55

make sure you have clojurescript in deps


1. Hi all! I have a question related to the CLJS compiler. In the process of deploying my app, I came across the following error after successfully building my app: Error: "Minified React error #31; visit " I figured this was related to how the compiler was processing some files. I changed the :language-in` compiler option to :es-next and the error disappeared and my app is as functional as my dev build (although now it looks for a dev.js resource). I'm curious to know why the :language-in option worked. I'm happy to provide more details. Thanks in advance!


My guess is that the compiler by default uses ecmascript5 so by changing :language-in to :es-next, it used an Ecmascript version which was compatible with the latest react? My guess is that anything greater than ecmascript5 will work.


My hypothesis is incorrect. It only works with :es-next .