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If I have a generated sequence of static image (SVG) files, what's the simplest way to make an interactive HTML page that allows me to navigate back and forth between them?
If you are serving the images to the frontend you can simply loop on the svg file names and render them like so:
(for [name ["icon1.svg" "icon2.svg"]]
[:img {:src (str "images/" name)
:key name}])
If you want to retain the capability to target with js your svg elements, then you have to use instead:
[:object {:data (str "images/" name)
:key name}]
For the navigation, you can use the partition function to display say 3 at a time.. and I would store in an atom a simple int that would work basically as an offset
If you want a rough idea of what it could look like then:
(let [group-nth (atom {:offset 0})
list-of-names (range 10)
grouped (partition 3 list-of-names)]
(fn []
(for [svg-name (nth grouped (:offset @group-nth))]
[:img {:src svg-name}])
[:button {:on-click #(swap! group-nth update
(fn [x] (if (> x 0) (dec x) x)))}]
[:button {:on-click #(swap! group-nth update
(fn [x] (if (< x (count grouped))
(inc x) x)))}]]))
It should help as a guideline .. consider that the atom as to be a reagent.core/atom and the (range 10)
should be replaced with the names of your svg files
I'm trying to set up a clojurescript project using deps.edn and shadow-cljs. I configure :dev-http {8080 "classpath:public"}
but it does not start a dev http server. Do I miss something?
@thijs.creemers did you configure it at the top-level in shadow-cljs.edn
? not inside a build config?
I did configure it in the top level.
and public
is actually on the classpath? I mean you have something like :source-paths ["src/resources"]
and src/resources/public
yes it is, I tried all variants, using class path, the actual path like "resources/public/" etc.
It is :paths ["src/main" "resources"]
it starts the server and the nrepl server no further messages.
No further messages
how do you start it? there can't be no message, either it says that it was started or that it failed?
I guess that could happen if you are using a really old version that didn't have :dev-http
I start it with shadow-cljs server
2.7.24 node: v12.11.
shadow-cljs - server version: 2.7.24 running at http://localhost:9630
okay I will bump it an d give it another shot. Thanks for your help.
you need to add it to deps.edn
directly nowadays. so :deps {thheller/shadow-cljs {:mvn/verison "2.8.64}}
or in an alias
I think it is on the path somewhere I have the latest in y package.json
Would it be possible/a good idea to extend native JS dates to implement cljs-time’s DateTimeProtocol
can anyone give me an example of how I can add an SVG image in Reagent?
I am very new to Clojure.. so sorry about that in advance 🙂
I'm trying this right now:
but, I get an error that pl.danieljanus.tagsoup
is not defined
Depends what you want to do with it. If you want to use it like a static asset, you can use an img-tag
I'm already using Hiccup for the assets I generated (and I like Hiccup better than HTML now)
If you're looking to inline your svg file within the DOM so you can animate it, I wrote a reagent component that does just that
If you're just looking to display an svg, this is overkill, just use [:img {:src <url>}]
as suggested
if you are using Cursive IDE it will ask to convert HTML string into Hiccup when pasting HTML into Clojure/Script files
Cursive is very nice, self contained setup, feels very solid to my taste. I’m using VS Code for other things, but Clojure is good in Cursive
Calva, a clojure extension, works well on VSCode
it doesn't do that conversion though
it's mostly self contained but doesn't include a linter
clojure-lint, based on clj-kondo, seems to be the best option there
clj-kondo doesn't work on windows though
@UJVKWJTGE this html->hiccup conversion could be useful I think, are you still funded by clj together btw?
I'm not part of the Calva org, just a user
ah ok, sorry 🙂
did a quick search on the issue tracker and couldn't find any issue about the conversion though, so it might be worth it to open one
the site you mentioned is a cljs app anyway, and seems to basically run hiccup-bridge
so it shouldn't be too hard to do
Calva itself is build with shadowcljs so that's easy to integrate
I'm actually using Calva... the more popular "Clojure" extension just caused the built-in git capabilities to go awry for me
Can anyone recommend a good ClojureScript tutorial? Ideally, I’d like something along the lines of “here’s the JS and now here’s how you’d do it in ClojureScript”.
I found this tutorial really helpful (I started learning Cljs on Monday):-
I came here from C++/C ... but after 3 days of trying, I don't feel too intimidated
JavaScript is actually a nice language in my opinion. While its syntax is heavily C-based, it’s quite LISP-like in how it works.
I love this remark of Douglas Crockford in JavaScript: The Good Parts:
I like this comparison of React versus Reagent:
Some other comparison of React versus Reagent
This is also good, but not much javascript:
What do you want to build?
I don’t have any one thing in particular in mind. I prefer to use vanilla code rather than frameworks though.
But I’ve been wanting to learn more about Lisp’s in general and Clojure in particular lately and I thought that doing some ClojureScript might help me learn Clojure in general better.
ClojureSCript works really well with React
For frontend
Why vanilla?
I mean hiccup for specifiying html and the reactive atoms that rerender the state
Framworks are always black boxes that trend toward bloat (Angular). There is always something my customer wants that the framework developers didn’t think of so inevitably I find myself working for the framework instead of it working for me. I’ve been using JavaScript since it was in beta so I know the language well enough that I don’t feel like frameworks provide me a whole lot of benefit.
> find myself working for the framework instead of it working for me I see
This experience I did not have with Reagent or re-frame
The README of re-frame I can highly recommend: One of the most enjoyable READMEs I’ve ever read
Of course you have to do things the re-frame and Reagent way, but I found it to be natural
This idea:
Comparison versus cljs’s reagent and js’s react
Vue I have no experience with
Reagent sounds interesting. I’ll take a look. Despite my nay-saying about frameworks I do think they have their place. My company builds a lot of prototypes and frameworks are excellent for that kind of work.
@UPEGYT4G4 Thanks for that link! It’s turning out to be a pretty informative article.
no worries... Today is day-4 of my Clojure journey and that article introduced me to both webdev and clojure! I didn't know about React before this. I checked it out on the side... And now I'm not scared... I'm studying SVG now and drawing out a few ugly sprites in Hiccup
it's this language to describe your HTML in Clojure-native syntax and data structures
checkout the default example here:
well, I'm currently doing Clojure-stuff in Hiccup e.g. moving a slider to move a line across on an svg image
I'd like to connect all this to an actual water-tank and motor in the end and show the level etc.
I really think SVG is underused. I was thinking about it last night spurred a HackerNews article I had read about how great Flash was in its heyday. Seems like SVG could be a good (and more secure) replacement. There was some wonderful creativity with Flash that you don’t see a whole lot of anymore, sadly.
hmmm... I don't exactly know what flash did, but I used to watch cricket matches on shady sites that required it
Tower’s latest beta (3.1.0-beta4) is stable and quite useable in production, but is likely the last major release for the library (modulo unexpected bug fixes). Future development work is going to be focused on: Tempura - Clojure/Script translations API To be determined - Clojure/Script localization API