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Fernando Lopez Guevara14:09:21

hello everyone, is there any alternative to "macchiato"?


I don't know of any - do you have any issues with it? I quite like it and also have it in production.


in general, what's the update cadence to google closure compiler? I see there's an open regression on the JIRA from march or so, and obviously trying to keep up with every closure compiler release is a bit...aggressive.


there's nothing I'm missing, I was just browsing through the cljs source and was curious since it's a 2018 series release


I'm using infer-externs + global-exports based on the webpack guide, but the externs are being rewritten 🙈 is there anything obvious I might miss?

Lone Ranger16:09:30

I have some experience with this issue. Do you mind sharing your webpack code and the deps.edn code you're using?


what part of the webpack?

Lone Ranger16:09:45

tl;dr -- I found that it comes down to two things... first, I use figwheel to do my compilation, since it handles the webpack stuff surprisingly well, and a lot of it depends on how you access the webpack code from your javascript code.


:infer-externs true
:npm-deps false
:foreign-libs [{:file "../front-end/build/static/js/bundle.js"
                :provides ["react" "react-dom" ""]
                :global-exports {react React
                                 react-dom ReactDOM

Lone Ranger16:09:03

for instance I've found (.. webpack-thing -some-attr (some-method x)) to be very unreliable, but (js/webpackThing.someAttr.SomeMethod x) works very reliably


I'm using (react-dom/render)

Lone Ranger16:09:16

and that does your bundle.js and webpack.config.js look like?


trying to figure that out 😄 It's a little complicated due to the ejected create react app


Okay, it's a 650 loc thing. So, what are you looking for exactly?


It appears that my inferred externs don't contain the appropriate lines. I'm not sure why that would happen though.


It appears that my inferred externs don't contain the appropriate lines. I'm not sure why that would happen though.


Hi, I’m having trouble to get :source-map-asset-path compiler option to work. The js file is generated correctly but`//# sourceMappingURL=` remains as it was before I added the option

Roman Liutikov23:09:28

@dnolen recently you've added a note about fn-invoke-direct generating incorrect code for Reagent could you provide more detail about this?