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Hi In my project.clj I have the following: :dependencies [[com.andrewmcveigh/cljs-time "0.5.0-alpha2"] ... In my cljs file I require the library [cljs-time.core :as t] Running shadow-cljs compile npm writes the following in the console

------ WARNING #1 --------------------------------------------------------------
 File: cljs_time/core.cljs:606:30
 Use of undeclared Var cljs-time/core

------ WARNING #2 --------------------------------------------------------------
 File: cljs_time/core.cljs:607:28
 No such namespace: cljs-time, could not locate cljs_time.cljs, cljs_time.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "cljs-time"


And idea what causes these messages to appear and how to get rid of them?


can't remember exactly but try upgrading. 0.5.2 seems to be the latest version

👍 4

Thanks, it helped


(This library works well on a similar project that compiles with lein)

David Pham16:08:11

Can you build app without relying on core.async?

Ahmed Hassan18:08:10

Yes, You can use Promesa library.

David Pham16:08:32

With re-frame, can you handle the asynchronous task?

Ahmed Hassan18:08:08

Yeah you can, but main purpose of re-frame is to define architecture and state management for reagent application.


Some resources declare the js namespace as a synthetic namespace. Is synthetic a valid and right defination for it ?