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Hi, is there any way to make my clojurescript app provide SEO data? as far as i understand, the client needs to run the javascript to unpack the page, so ... no page for the search engine unless serverside rendered html, right?


There is some cljs internal function that turns a fqsym my-app.core/main into it's qualified JS name my_app.core.main (with proper munging)


cljs.compiler/munge appear to do the right work. but it's not documented.


is there a question in there? munge is what the compiler uses yes


Hey folks , any libs you recommend for spring animations ? react-pose seems like a good one but it was declared deprecated quite recently .

Roman Liutikov14:07:11

^ really nice primitive for spring-based animations


@roman01la that is my first choice , but I am struggling to get a webpack bundle generated for it . That is why I was hoping to find cljs lib or atleast a cljsjs supported one 😅

Roman Liutikov14:07:47

@zyxmndaleyjes what’s your issue with webpack?


I don't really know what the imports are for react spring for this step

Roman Liutikov14:07:26

well you can read docs of react-spring and also js/console.log the object imported from the library

👍 4

I was using - for variables in js, turns out that's a nono .

Roman Liutikov14:07:36

ah yes sure 😄


@scknkkrer, progressing now . Will get in touch if I get stuck again. Thanks for the help fellas 😄


@zyxmndaleyjes, No problem. I hope you done it well.

Mark W20:07:22

hi good afternoon everyone...i'm just getting started using clojurescript and react-native and am wondering what the best practices are for uploading files for android...appreciate any suggestions, thanks!


@creditobrasil There is also #cljsrn, which focuses more on ClojureScript with React Native

Mark W22:07:52

@mfikes great thx I'll msg over there too