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swimming in the dark here... In a CRUD clojure webapp with a Postgresql db, what is the standard (acceptable) way to access the db from clojurescript? (I have clojurescript serving to one of the handlers, db is accessed via the request map on the rest of the handlers which are strictly clj)
Standard approach: the server-side Clojure code should expose a REST API the frontend Clojurescript code should use that REST API via AJAX --- In principle, the frontend should not have direct access to a psql db. It's a security risk
👍 thanks!
Hello, you might be interested in this: if you don't want to write backend code... It exposes a rest api on top of a postgresql DB.
yep seems so, my bad. there is also rum that you might want to check out.
@U2JAS6W2K, yes the postgres api looks really interesting, 👍although I do have the backend ready, It is the retrieval of data by the front-end that I am not familiar with.
@UBGH0Q0H4 there's Edn Query Language (EQL), a Clojure-native standard for client-server communication. EQL is most similar to Graphql
Walkable is a Clojure library to access sql database using EQL
very nice, @U0E2YV1UZ, I will definitely try it out. 🙂
hello guys, I am a Front End guy and I really like Clojure/Clojurescript. Usually, I have been developing apps with Javascript/Typescript and React/VueJS. I am trying to reproduce a similar environment for SPAs in Cljs but I am having a hard time. This is something I am considering: - Shadow-cljs - it would be great to use the NPM ecosystem - Re-frame (or alternatives?) - Re-frame-test for testing - cljss or cljs-css-modules (for css modules) What about linting in Clojurescript? Any suggestion for boilerplates/technologies for SPAs (real-world scenarios)? I hope somebody could help or point me in the right direction, cheers 🙂
There was a HackerNews thread recently on Fulcro which is a cljs frontend framework. They wrote a full book for developers (and hn thread
For tooling, apart frome shadow-cljs which you mentioned there is figwheel-main wich provides cljs build tool for dev and production, see:
thank you very much 🙂 figwheel-main is a good point, thanks! not sure regarding fulcro though, it seems more a full stack framework
@UF8BN5KJS I use joker, kibit, and bikeshed for linting / code style, and have a light cljs wrapper around jss for styling.
thank you @U1APR44RE!! I believe is similar to what you are mentioning. thanks for the linter options. are you suggesting all of them together?
yup, that's what I am noticing 🙂 thanks for your suggestion, I will definitely use those
I used this as a starting point, it's been pretty good
@U2JAS6W2K @UHBF7CA3V Fulcro can be both a frontend and full-stack framework. It's a lot to learn, but web dev is complex already. Re-frame may have a nicer start, but soon productivity decreases quickly due to inconsistency. Every extra tool you'll need to add to your re-frame app is already included in Fulcro without the ad-hoc feeling 😉
thanks @U0E2YV1UZ for the heads up. I will spend some time with Fulcro and see how it plays with what I am looking for. while I am playing with it, (even though there are lots of resources provided) do you recommend any repo to check particularly? Also, any opinion comparing Re-frame with Rum?
In an old reagent app, I'm having unreasonable difficulty invoking a macro:
I get "can't call setState on unmounted components" error
Is the error in my cljs macro code (I've never written a macro in cljs before)?
there's nothing that would be changing state in that macro body so my guess is it's an issue somewhere else in your code
Looking via the repl, I see that no matter what I put into body, it seems to be received as nil
Clearly there's something I don't understand here...
@worlds-endless macros are a bit trickier in CLJS and can't be written like that in the REPL
Written in my files, too, my & body never seems to receive anything
Seriously? In 2019?
Thanks... that's the most disappointed in Clojure I've ever been
(which says somethign about how blissful my time in Clojure has been)
I don't know how it can go otherwise - they run at compile time on the host machine.
Its logical if you think about it. When do macro run? They run at compile time. What compiles ClojureScript? Clojure does. Macros must thus be evaluated by the compiler. In this case, that's Clojure, and thus the macros have to be written in Clojure.
But, self-hosted ClojureScript is a ClojureScript compiler for ClojureScript code. Thus, if using that, you can write macros in ClojureScript.
@didibus Yeah; makes sense. Just seems like the ugly stepchild I never knew about...
Ya, it does make CLJS a bit more complicated tooling wise. Because it has a dependency on Clojure and JVM as well as the JS runtime you target and ClojureScript
Now, I think it would be possible to build tooling that can be connected to both a Clojure repl and the ClojureScript repl within it. And would be smart enough to eval the macro into the Clojure repl, and somehow reify its evaluation into the ClojureScript repl.
@worlds-endless I see no one has mentioned that how macros work in ClojureScript is necessary
the number of people using it would be miniscule today if it wasn't for that early decision Rich made
@dnolen You mean bundling a compiler into the artifact adds a lot of size to it, which would be detrimental for browser based js targets ? And that was a reason to move the compiler out into Clojure?
Ya, makes sense. I guess though, the compiler could be in a separate Jar. Only used during development for repls
Has anyone used d3 with clojurescript? I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be getting a map back from this function, but I can’t figure out why it crashes. (I mean I can tell it’s calling length on something undefined, but.. l don’t know what I’m missing..)
@hobosarefriends you still have the issue where you are double-wrapping things in parens
cljs.user> (def foo #((get-in {:a {:b {:c 1}}} [:a :b :c])))
cljs.user> (foo)
TypeError: ...
In general, you almost never see stacked left parents in regular Clojure code
(there are some cases with higher order functions that make fns)
@lilactown Oh good you’re still around 😅, woops older example sry I thought i fixed that.
have you inspected what is returned by just
(-> (d3/stratify)
(.id #(get-in (js->clj %1) [:child :uuid]))
(.parentId #(get-in (js->clj %1) [:parent :uuid]))
` stratify(data){var i,n=data.length,nodes=Array(n),nodeId,nodeByKey={};for(i=0;i<n;++i){var d= data[i];var node$jscomp$0=nodes[i]=new Node(d);null!=(nodeId=id(d,i,data))&&(nodeId+=“”)&&(d=“$”+(node$js…`
and TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at stratify (
is still the error?
#js[#js{:parent #js{:type "EvidenceNode", :uuid "7e1fe71b-b3aa-4f24-898b-22f8623ea230", :url "Because reasons"},
:child nil}
#js{:parent #js{:answer "Best Option", :type "AnswerNode", :uuid "affa43ae-3669-4373-81f3-0dad32eee85f"},
:child #js{:type "EvidenceNode", :uuid "7e1fe71b-b3aa-4f24-898b-22f8623ea230", :url "Because reasons"}}
#js{:parent #js{:answer "Fourth Option", :type "answer", :uuid "13fca1fc-0bc9-4afc-949d-7b8d43e2154e"}, :child nil}
#js{:parent #js{:answer "Third Option", :type "answer", :uuid "251560b1-2953-4a4c-9b1e-5edf48e2fe8d"}, :child nil}
#js{:parent #js{:question "What is better?", :uuid "a89698fc-0aa1-4946-8ad0-7c3ac76eaf9e"},
:child #js{:answer "Best Option", :type "AnswerNode", :uuid "affa43ae-3669-4373-81f3-0dad32eee85f"}}
#js{:parent #js{:question "What is better?", :uuid "a89698fc-0aa1-4946-8ad0-7c3ac76eaf9e"},
:child #js{:answer "Fourth Option", :type "answer", :uuid "13fca1fc-0bc9-4afc-949d-7b8d43e2154e"}}
#js{:parent #js{:question "What is better?", :uuid "a89698fc-0aa1-4946-8ad0-7c3ac76eaf9e"},
:child #js{:answer "Third Option", :type "answer", :uuid "251560b1-2953-4a4c-9b1e-5edf48e2fe8d"}}
#js{:parent #js{:question "What is better?", :uuid "a89698fc-0aa1-4946-8ad0-7c3ac76eaf9e"},
:child #js{:answer "None", :uuid "3e2ab9d2-f220-47f5-8ddb-dfcdbeb8b72a"}}
#js{:parent #js{:answer "None", :uuid "3e2ab9d2-f220-47f5-8ddb-dfcdbeb8b72a"}, :child nil}]
ok I managed to get a different error by saving the output of the d3/stratify thing into xyz and then calling it (xyz (clj->js @current-graph)
`Error: multiple roots at stratify (http://localhost:3000/js/cljs-runtime` Which makes a lot of sense since my data has a lot of null children