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Is there a semi-canonical list of heavily used ClojureScript libraries in need of better documentation?
@lilactown that's what I was saying earlier, can't work
well, I think I can probably get around this by creating my own JS event bus and just accessing it through goog.object
I’ll have to fiddle with this. serializing and reading the data I want to send on the channel is not a big deal
well I'll just offer my opinion that I don't think getting multiple ClojureScript builds to work together is worth the trouble
well, with the way I’ve written the application right now I feel like it’s worth it.
it’s a dev tool, meant to be used alongside your app. but it has it’s own set of dependencies, e.g. it’s using an alpha version of React, that I don’t want to burden the user with configuring
much easier to just put a script tag on the page and include a dependency that does the bit of interop to setup the communication channel
if you're going down this path then I think the only thing that won't lead to a lot of headaches is to completely isolate the different builds and have them talk via JSON/Transit/EDN
which is fine. the idea is to have it run in a separate window, or maybe even a chrome extension, later on. plus, I want to support Node.js and (stretch goal) JVM Clojure which would necessarily have to serialize the data anyway
Uncaught Error: No protocol method IAssociative.-assoc defined for type cljs.core/IndexedSeq: ({:number-of-ratings 0, :title "You can listen to lots of audiobooks for free online at librivox", :posted-by "jade", :link
??? o.o
so i have a collection of maps
and i want to conj on all these maps i have
but they come packaged as ({:maps ""} {:maps "x"} {:maps "z"})
how can i conj all those maps into my clientside atom?
You want to conj something to the value of the :maps key? Or onto each map in the list?
I'm looking for this thing that analyzes CLJS source maps and spits out how much each namespace etc takes up — anyone has a pointer to that?
@martinklepsch or
@lilactown just trying to join two vectors of maps into one. but one looks like [ { } {} {} {} {} ] and the other like ( {}{}{} )
@sova A tiny example of the two inputs and the desired output would help sort out exactly what is needed
(def daytuh (atom [{:id 7 :summary "Zed" :comments [ ] }
{:id 8 :summary "Penguin" :comments [ ] }]))
Now a user initiates an action to write! a new comment to the db. new comments have their own :id, like 99.
At the end of an action where the user is commenting on post with :id 8
the atom should look like:
@daytuh= [{:id 7 :summary "Zed" :comments [ ] }
{:id 8 :summary "Penguin" :comments [ 99 ] }]))
And at the end of another action where another user makes a new comment with :id 177
on post with :id 8
@daytuh= [{:id 7 :summary "Zed" :comments [ ] }
{:id 8 :summary "Penguin" :comments [ 99 177 ] }]
Dang. Too bad your data isn’t a map keyed by ID instead, then you could just directly do
(update-in {7 {:summary "Zed" :comments []} 8 {:summary "Penguin" :comments []}} [8 :comments] conj 99)
@sova With the shape of your data, it seems that you will have to do a scan. For example,
(defn scan-idx [k v coll]
(reduce-kv (fn [_ idx m] (when (= v (k m)) (reduced idx)))
(let [data [{:id 7, :summary "Zed", :comments []} {:id 8, :summary "Penguin", :comments []}]]
(update-in data [(scan-idx :id 8 data) :comments] conj 99))
But that’s less than ideal.

I'm fine with it for the time-being. Putting some sort of index on the data is too opinion'd a stance for the moment
and thank you, that helps a lot
Okay I keep getting errors on
indexed Seq
ncaught Error: No protocol method IKVReduce.-kv-reduce defined for type cljs.core/IndexedSeq:
@sova this is bread and butter use case for specter:
user=> (def data
[{:id 7 :summary "Zed" :comments [ ] }
{:id 8 :summary "Penguin" :comments [ 99 ] }]))
user=> (setval [ATOM ALL #(= 8 (:id %)) :comments AFTER-ELEM] 177 data)
user=> @data
[{:id 7, :summary "Zed", :comments []} {:id 8, :summary "Penguin", :comments [99 177]}]
@mfikes (swap! tv-state vec) solved my problem
Is it possible to assign a clojure to a javascript property from cljs? I want to do something of the form:
obj.f = (x) => x + 1
I am thinking of trying to build a self-hosting clojurescript page with a custom web-based repl using cljs.js/eval-str
, but I've not tried this before. Are there any caveats or limitations I should know of running clojurescript this way (aside from obviously having a fixed set of dependencies, large download, potential to hang the browser tab...), or should it all 'just work'?
basically something like (which has all the issues mentioned above, too).
note fixed set of dependencies is not really a limitation - bootstraped ClojureScript was designed to load dependencies after the fact
well we won't load them for you, just it assumes they will have to loaded asynchronously somehow
@mseddon If you are doing it for fun / learning, then cool! If you need this for something else and want to quickly end up with a working solution, this stuff under this page is a reusable library
Cool. Self-hosted ClojureScript is still the deep-end of the pool, where the opportunity for maximal learning exists 🙂
@mseddon I have just made which is a really limited REPL (only the READ EVAL PRINT part, not the Loop). It was the first time I used self-hosted CLJS and it was pretty easy to get going is more advanced in terms of REPL experience and it also supports loading libraries from external sources from the web is the beginnings of my web based repl. Except currently I've basically built a clojure syntax highlighting/auto indenting edit box from scratch atm
There are other cool applications of self-hosted too for music Timothy Pratley’s turtle thing
and there’s
I was trying to lower the size of the compiled artifact, it’s now around 8MB in size un-gzipped, 1MB gzipped
Tried these:, but ran into
yeah, it’s already pretty good. most mobile phones can download 1 MB below a second I reckon
Well. A little cljs repl that sits on the home screen. I don't think service workers would really add much other than being manditory to get there
@mseddon for highlighting, paren matching, etc. I used codemirror, it’s what Klipse also uses
Though I did it from scratch since I can perf tune it a little better. Codemirror on mobile is a bit slow on account of being quite backwards compatible that is my plan :)
Also I can see this being useful for people hosting python etc. Typescript makes it a bit more accessible
something that handles pretty-printing, syntax highlighting, and all the fancy input problems. that I can embed in an application
@lilactown FWIW codemirror + parinfer plugin gets you there already?
I’ve played with codemirror but not sure how it handles all of the interactions one wants at a REPL yet. so maybe I’m already 80% there 🙂
I just think it would be cool to be able to install a single CLJS dep, setup the bootstrapping, and have an embedded REPL in a drawer or separate browser window
@lilactown you can already embed Klipse right?
klipse seems optimized for embedding within a blog-like thing. there’s a lot of work to be done to create a more terminal-repl-esque UI.
I’m not lamenting the lack of options for running CLJS in the browser. I’m talking about the fiddly UI problems 😉
would be cool on or something 😉
or something -> makes sense 🙂
That’s what essentially was
Is Replete available for Android now?
Are there any guides on how to build Javascript npm package around a ClojureScript library?