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Backend dev here. I’ve been meaning to look into Clojure for a while but haven’t found the right opportunity yet. I am working on a side project; the backend is in Erlang, and I’ve never had any experience with front-end dev. So I was wondering: can I kill two birds with one stone here, learn Clojure and dev the front end? Is ClojureScript a good choice for someone like me starting a project from scratch, or are there better alternatives?


@remilouf CLJS is a great choice. I'd recommend figwheel, devcards & reagent as a starting point.


[there may be templates/sample projects with this combination of things which you can clone as a starting point. it's been a while since I started a new one].


@remilouf I would add re-com to those. Having put all of those together, I can definitely vouch that the results are amazingly good.

👍 10

hello ~ somebody know how to inject(or contain?) into my webpage? i think repl is very useful to manipulate data.


@johanatan @jsa-aerial Thanks for the pointers! I’ll give CLJS a try :)


@jsa-aerial @remilouf ah, yep. re-com is good too.


I'm currently trying to dynamically generate clojure.spec definitions, but am running into cljs.core/*eval* not strategy in a nutshell has been:

(eval `(s/def ::my-spec ~some-form))
which I realize is a bit of a hack, but I haven't found a better way to use spec in a more programmatic fashion.


I'm sure there is some fundamental reason that this won't work in cljs...


This is painfully obvious in hindsight 😅


I've resorted to writing clojure.spec-generating macros to solve this. Eliminates the need for eval.


Happy new year to everyone! Apologies if this has been asked and answered:


Does anyone know how to configure the built-in MacOS firewall to permanently accept incoming connections? I've added the version of java to the firewall but I'm stick stuck clicking "allow" each time I restart the server.