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as a side note… getting set up with clj
and deps.edn
is way easier than lein
with cljsbuild
was a few years ago. such awesome progress!
FYI, I resolved my issue with d3, and getting the error:
ERROR: JSC_PARSE_ERROR. Parse error. 'as' expected at /Users/thomas/ustudio/stats-ingest/stats-dashboard-ui/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/attr.js line 2 : 17
ERROR: JSC_PARSE_ERROR. Parse error. 'as' expected at /Users/thomas/ustudio/stats-ingest/stats-dashboard-ui/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/attrTween.js line 1 : 17
I was misreading the closure-compiler version pulled in from clojurescript; it is declaring v20180204
, but the latest is v20180610
excluding it in the clojurescript dependency and explicitly declaring the newer version resolved the problem:
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.238"
:exclusions []]
[ "v20180610"]
at least, it got me past that error; i’m getting a lot of errors like module$Users$thomas$ustudio$stats_ingest$stats_dashboard_ui$node_modules$pondjs$lib$lib$pipeline is not defined
Has anyone done anything with web components and cljs? Would be nice to have a cljs approach to something like
@smnplk if you like core.async, feel free to use it, but you don’t need to use it. I’ve ended up ripping it out and I just use promises. When I have more complex promise code, I use the alet
macro from the promesa
library. You can get most things done that way and you’ll get good predictable, debuggable behavior.
@lee.justin.m Hm, good idea about returning those two channels, I could do that so i don't have to pass them in at the call site. I will aslo checkout promesa. Thanks!
@smnplk agree with @lee.justin.m core.async is a power tool for very complex requirements, but many (most?) cljs projects don't have those. The costs of core.async are real: core.async is macros vs promises, which are just anon fns wrapped; core.async's main abstraction, channels, need to be closed, whereas promises are one-offs (conceptually simpler); exception handling in promises is easier to grok; and compared to core.async the API surface area of promises is tiny (essentially only the constructor, .then and .catch), so less cognitive load
also the thread-first macro is ideally suited for promise chains 🙂 (-> (js/fetch "url") (.then (fn []...]) (.then (fn [] ...))
finally you ultimately want to understand the implementation. Easy for promises: For core.async... good luck 🙂
@pesterhazy Yeah, I can see using core.async here is an overkill, I will probbaly just embrace promises as a simpler abstraction for async stuff.
@pesterhazy hrm, channels don’t need to be closed
whether you decide to use core.async or not is up to you - but I don’t find the backlog arguments particularly compelling
As a matter of taste I have worked on a project with promesa
+ alet
for a year and I can’t really say I much care for it.
@tstephens re your :npm-deps
issue have you looked at just doing this via WebPack, latest releases of ClojureScript make that path relatively smooth
@dnolen thanks; yeah, i did go down that path, briefly, but was running into other issues. i gave up on it relatively quickly, though; if I can’t get it working via npm-deps, i’ll probably go back to webpack. right now, I think the problem is closure is getting confused by some “meta module” code in some of the libraries (like, underscore trying to guess what module system is being used at runtime), which closure compiles out to something invalid. not sure if just telling closure a different module format would resolve that or not, though
it would be nice to be able to override the :foreign-libs options being passed for the node modules via :npm-deps, if 90% of them work, and just a few need custom options
@tstephens WebPack route is just fundamentally way simpler and you will run into fewer issues
is that just a consequence of npm-deps being “alpha”? or is there an expectation that it’ll never work as well as webpack, due to the crazyness of the npm ecosystem?
however for more complicated things more work needs to be done both in ClojureScript as well as Google Closure Compiler
when you go down the Webpack route you’re letting JS tools manage all that - so you’re less likely to hit trouble
is being actively developed - but it’s going to be for the adventurous for some time yet
@tstephens in the past the Webpack bundling route didn’t support idiomatic usage - but that’s not true any more
you can treat the libs in the bundle as normal requires etc. and externs inference eliminates the tedious parts of using a foreign lib
so, what I tried yesterday was to write a simple JS file that imported the modules I needed, and exported them as attributes on window
, then ran that through webpack, then pointed a :foreign-lib at that output. is that the gist of the webpack route? or is there a different way to do it (i had trouble finding examples that fully integrated webpack with the foreign-libs part of the build process)
Can a data literal defined in data_readers.cljc
point to a function that lives in a .cljs
file? I'd like my data-literal's function to depend on compile time :clojure-defines
@dnolen point taken re: core.async
even if it's just a matter of taste, what didn't you like about promises/alet?
Using Luno 1.8, how come (set! js/foo 42)
gives me back foo is not defined
? Is it a self-hosted-cljs thing?
@grav what is foo
? How do you define it? if it is with def
you don't need js/
@richiardiandrea foo
is a new global js var that I want to create. My scenario is for creating a polyfill.
It seems to work in Klipse which is also self-hosted Cljs. And it works fine in a shadow-cljs repl (non-self hosted), so it’s probably a lumo issue
@grav (set! (. js/global -foo) 1)
I have always done it this way
but it might be wrong 🙂
@tstephens I’m assuming you followed the guide? that’s how it works - I’m not sure what more you were looking for?
@richiardiandrea It’s not wrong enough for this hack 😉
kind of hope that David will write something so that we all learn 😄
@pesterhazy inevitably you need to do something more complex and I just find core.async more natural - other than that I didn’t find promises in real code bases any easier to debug (somebody unwisely catches errors upstream)
@richiardiandrea @grav also
, however you definitely want to use goog.object/set
if advanced compilation is under consideration
riiiight nice
@dnolen i was, but perhaps wasn’t require’ing the foreign lib, or defining the exports correctly; i’ll play with it again; i’m sure I was just configuring something or other wrong. thanks for your help
@tstephens did you get through the guide? I would make sure you can make that work first