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Is there a preferred example for how to structure a codebase for a clojure backend, cljs frontend web app?
What should I be looking for when I get this error: Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
is there a non-browser unit-testing tool recommended for clojurescript?
@mv most likely a dependency conflict with guava. check with lein deps :tree
and try to resolve the conflicts.
@mv If you are using datomic and experiencing such error try adding [ "24.1-jre"]
to your dependency
I made a #kee-frame channel for Don't hesitate to ask questions or make suggestions! I'm also following kee-frame messages on this channel.
what’s new @bhauman?
@robert-stuttaford working away on the figwheel as per the usual 🙂
-grin- i don’t doubt it! you’ve been doing stellar work dude
@robert-stuttaford thanks! and it seems like you've been pretty darn active yourself
super well - super busy!
What’s happening here?
(let [{:keys [:tags]} '(:tags '(:intervention))] tags) ;;=> (quote (:intervention))
(let [{:keys [:tags]} [:tags [:intervention]]] tags) ;;=> nil
I mean, the first destructuring returns something while the data structure destructured isn’t a map
so opts
will be a sequence '(:opt1 4 :opt2 5)
and apparently destructuring works for this as well.
yes, you can associatively destructure a sequential collection as if it were a map
@alexmiller then why (let [{:keys [:tags]} [:tags [:intervention]]] tags) ;;=> nil
vectors already are associative (by map of index to value) so won’t work for those
will work for sequences or lists
is there a way I can “shadow over” someone’s namespace?
(def :a/some-ns-kw)
(def :a :lib.b/some-ns-ks)
{my-code "hello"}
seems fishy. i’m wrapping a library but I don’t want my app code to have to depend on that library’s namespaced keys, so I just want to point from my own artificial namespaced kws to theirs.
I’m not sure I understand the question, but there’s no way to automatically translate them. You’d have to replace your namespaced keys with the library’s on the way in, and the other way around back out
the more i think about it I think i’m trying to mix a clj macro which is referring to a cljs ns. i think my real and entirely different question is can clj macros write code to refer to cljs namespaces. i don’t see why not.
@UA4N902JG there's a #vim channel. Probably better to ask there.
yessir. after much ado @UA4N902JG I was able to get it working simply with :Piggieback :id-of-app
via shadow-cljs, but its similar with lein
@U0W0JDY4C managed to get it working thanks to a topic in #vim 🙂